Lyon, 23 November 2016
Olympique Lyonnais Groupe (the “Company”) announces that the French Autorité des marchés financiers (the “AMF”) granted on November 23, 2016 visa number 16-543 for the prospectus regarding:
- the admission to trading on the regulated market of Euronext Paris ("Euronext Paris") of a maximum indicative number of 11 710 427 new shares (the "Reserved New Shares") issued as part of a capital increase reserved to IDG European Sports Investment Limited, without shareholders' preferential subscription rights; and
- the admission to trading on the regulated market of Euronext Paris of a bond issue consisting of a maximum indicative number of 200 625 new mandatory subordinated convertible bonds (obligations subordonnées remboursables en actions ordinaires nouvelles ou existantes) (the “Reserved New Bonds”) reserved to IDG European Sports Investment Limited and issued without shareholders' preferential subscription rights.
The total amount of the above mentioned issuances (including the issuance premium) will be approximately 100 million euros.
The above mentioned issuances may be carried out in two tranches: a first tranche (the “First Tranche”) of approximately 30 million euros and a second tranche (the “Second Tranche”) of approximately 70 million euros, the second of which may be divided into sub-tranches (up to four).
The completion of the above-mentioned issuances is subject to conditions precedent, including: the absence of any material change in the capital distribution of the Company's share capital, Mr. Jean-Michel Aulas' remaining Chairman and ceo (Président Directeur Général) of the Company, the approval of the resolutions on the issuance of the Reserved New Shares and the Reserved New Bonds and of the resolutions on the appointment to the Board of the Company of two directors proposed by IDG European Sports Investment Limited under the condition precedent of the settlement-delivery of all the New Reserved Shares and New Reserved Bonds of the Second Tranche, by the general shareholders' meeting of the Company to be held on December 15, 2016 and, if applicable, the grant of licenses and authorizations from the People's Republic of China competent authorities.
The prospectus (the “ Prospectus”) consists of:
- the registration document of the Company for the fiscal year ended on June 30, 2016, filed with the AMF on October 28, 2016 under number D.16-0932 (the “Registration Document”),
- the securities note (the “Securities Note”), and
- the Prospectus summary (included in the Securities Note).
Copies of the Prospectus are available free of charge at the registered office of the Company, 10 avenue Simone Veil, 69150 Décines-Charpieu. The Prospectus is also available on the Company website ( and on the AMF website (
The Company draws the public's attention to the risk factors described in Chapter 4 of the Registration Document and in Chapter 2 of the Securities Note.
In addition, the Company also announces that, in accordance with Articles L.225-149-1 and R.225-133 of the French Commercial Code, the Board of Directors of the Company decided, during its meeting held on November 21, 2016, to suspend the exercise of share allocation rights attached to the mandatory subordinated convertible bonds (code isin FR0011544444), as of Thursday December 1, 2016, at 00:00 am (Paris time), for a maximum period of three months, i.e. until February 28, 2017 at 11:59 pm (Paris time) at the latest. A notice regarding this suspension was published in the French Bulletin des annonces légales obligatoires n° 141 on November 23, 2016.
About OL Groupe: Organized around Olympique Lyonnais, the football club founded in 1950 and headed by Jean-Michel Aulas since 1987, OL Groupe is a leader in the entertainment and media sector in France. Since OL Groupe was created in 1999, it has built an innovative business model combining FINANCIAL durability and recurrent revenue stream around five complementary sources of revenue: ticketing, sponsoring and advertising, marketing and media rights, brand-related revenue, and player trading. OL Groupe is a company whose securities are admitted to trading on Euronext Paris (Compartment C). The company publishes a registration document filed with the French Autorité des Marchés Financiers each year. Any investor should read such document, including in particular the “Risk Factors” section.
OL Groupe Tel: +33 (0)4 81 07 55 00 Fax: +33 (0)4 26 29 67 18 Email: |
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