Londres, lundi 1er juin 2009 - Le Growth Company Investor Show qui se déroulera le 10 juin au Barbican à Londres donnera aux investisseurs l'opportunité d'examiner la gestion des petites capitalisations dans lesquelles ils envisagent d'investir.
Comme des signes de reprise semblent apparaître, de nombreux investisseurs pensent que c'est le bon moment pour investir au début d'un marché haussier. Certaines sociétés, en particulier des petites capitalisations, ont été délaissées ces derniers mois. En conséquence, beaucoup d'entre elles n'ont jamais été aussi bon marché, et les marchés étant sur le point de se redresser, il n'a jamais été aussi intéressant d'envisager l'achat d'actions de petites capitalisations.
The Growth Company Investor Show is your perfect opportunity to road test, face-to-face, up to 100 growth companies - companies you are either invested in already or have your eye on. The event provides you with opportunities to meet with smaller company management teams (including those quoted on AIM and The Full List, as well as those listed on PLUS and ShareMark) as well as attend presentations given by an array of growth company stars
Knowledge is power, and a further key component of the show is its seminar programme where you'll be able to learn the secrets of successful investing from a slew of expert speakers all under one roof. Among the luminaries set to speak are some of the UK's leading smaller company fund managers including Gervais Williams, who heads the small cap team at Gartmore Investment Management; Neil Hermon, who manages the Henderson Smaller Companies Investment Trust; and Schroders' highly respected Rosemary Banyard.
For further information and how to register for your FREE pass, please visit www.growthcompanyinvestorshow.co.uk < http://www.growthcompanyinvestorshow.co.uk/> or call 020 7250 7056.
For more information on sponsoring, exhibiting or associated marketing please contact Darren Griffin on 020 7250 7049
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