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Jeudi 06 Nov 2008 à 11:10


Communiqué de presse


Les chiffres clés du Groupe se sont stabilisés, reflétant l'impact de la conjoncture économique actuelle et la consolidation des principaux coûts d'exploitation par l'extension du périmètre de consolidation. Ces facteurs sont largement absorbés par l'effet positif de la diversification sectorielle et géographique suivie par Abertis ces dernières années.

- Chiffre d'affaires de 2,793 millions d'euros (+1,6 %).

- ebitda de 1,770 million d'euros (-0,7 %).

- Bénéfice net de 541 millions d'euros (-3,1 %).

- Flux de trésorerie net de 1,079 million d'euros (+0,2 %).

- Investissements de 929 millions d'euros.

- The marked deceleration in the economic cycle has been offset by Abertis' model of selective growth, diversification and internationalisation: almost 50% of revenue and 44% of EBITDA are generated outside Spain.

- Abertis has invested around E800Mn in expansion projects over the first nine months of the year. Airports (DCA) and telecommunications (Hispasat) have been two significant investment areas. In addition to the investment in these areas, other major investment includes the acquisition of the holdings of the Chilean concessionaires Autopista Central and Rutas del Pacífico, which did not have any impact on interim figures and are currently being executed.

- The company's positive financial position and its solid debt structure, with all expansionary activities being fully financed, provide Abertis with a clear competitive advantage in the current economic environment. 92% of total debt is long term, with 77% at fixed rates or fixed through hedging. The average cost of debt has been maintained at 5.3%.

- Revenues from the toll road business rose 1%, even though the trend for road traffic on abertis' network continued the downward path seen in the first half of 2008, with a 2.6% decrease. The reduction in traffic is explained by the economic slowdown and one-off factors, such as the lorry drivers' strike in the first half of the year and the initial impact of the opening of alternative toll-free roads.

- Revenues reached E2,097Mn.

- Average Daily Traffic (ADT) on the abertis network worldwide was 26,496 vehicles (-2.6%).

- ADT on the sanef network (which makes up 53% of abertis' total network) was 24,177 vehicles (-1.1%) to September. The ADT in Spain was 27,681 vehicles, a decline of 4.9%. Stripping out the impact of the alternative toll-free roads opened in the aumar network, the decline was 3.3%.

- The Group's telecommunications infrastructure, airport, logistics parks and car park businesses provide a solid platform for the Group to grow and were less affected by the economic downturn.

- abertis telecom had revenues of E317Mn (+9%). By 30 September, the roll out of Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) by abertis telecom in Spain covered 89% of the population (around 40 million people).

- The satellite sector fared well, reflecting positive trends in the main indicators of both Eutelsat (revenues growth of 7%) and Hispasat (revenues growth of 8.3%). Eutelsat, consolidated using the equity method, contributed E36Mn in the first nine months of the year, while Hispasat, consolidated using proportionate consolidation since 1 July, contributed E12Mn. In all, the satellite business MADE a net positive contribution (including the financing costs of the acquisitions) on the profits of abertis.

- Passenger traffic in the TBI airport network increased 6% to 19.3Mn. Revenues at abertis airports, which were hit by the weakness of sterling against the euro (-13% average exchange rate vs. the euro), amounted to E236Mn (-5%).

- Positive performance by abertis logística. Revenues amounted to E36Mn (+126%), with high rates of warehouse and office occupancy: 91% compared to 79.6% in 2007.

- Revenues at saba, abertis' car parks division, reached E99Mn (+2%), with 38 million vehicles in rotation, the same number as in 2008, and an 11.1% increase in season-ticket holders.

Barcelona, 6 November 2008. abertis' results for the first nine months of 2008 are marked by stability in its main financial indicators. The impact of the current economic climate, combined with a 2.6% decrease in traffic on the Group's road network, and the consolidation of increased operating expenses resulting from the expansion of the scope of consolidation, have been offset by the continuing strong performance of its airport, logistics parks, car park and telecommunications infrastructure businesses, and by the effects of geographic and sector diversification: almost 50% of revenue and 44% of EBITDA are generated outside Spain.

Noteworthy were the strong performances from the telecommunications infrastructure (9% increase in revenue); airports (6% growth in passenger numbers in TBI airports); logistics parks (91% office and warehouse occupancy rates) and car parks (38 million vehicles in rotation) businesses. In the first nine months of 2008, abertis' reported total revenue of E2,793Mn, up 1.6% yoy, with sanef contributing E1,049Mn of this amount (38% of total revenue). 48% of the abertis group's revenue is generated outside Spain: 38% in France and 6% in the UK (mainly TBI's airport business). 75% of total revenue came from the toll roads business, 11% from telecommunication infrastructure and 8% from airports. The car parks business contributed 4% and logistics parks 1%. EBITDA totalled E1,770Mn (-0.7%) while EBIT was E1,174Mn (-2%). The abertis Group made a net profit of E541Mn (-3.1%) to September. The net financial expense to 30 September 2008 was E408Mn. Acquisitions carried out by the Group in the period only led to a E9Mn increase in this item. Earnings from companies accounted for by the equity method to September 2008 totalled E62Mn, largely from the holdings in Eutelsat and Atlantia (the latter to 26 June, since when it has been considered a financial stake). In the first nine months of 2008, abertis generated net cash-flow of E1,079Mn (+0.2%). The average workforce at abertis in the first nine months of 2008 stood at 11,911 employees, of whom 54% were employed outside Spain.

Balance sheet and investments

At 30 September 2008, abertis had total assets of E21,539Mn and shareholder's equity of E4,775Mn.

abertis invested a total of E929.3Mn in the first nine months of 2008, of which E758.8Mn (82% of the total) was invested in expanding the Group and pursuing its geographical and sector diversification strategy. Of particular note is the expansion in the airport sector and the acquisition of 100% of Desarrollo de Concesiones Aeroportuarias (DCA) for E276Mn. The telecommunications business also saw significant investment, with E226Mn being paid for a 28.4% stake in satellite operator Hispasat, and E29Mn spent on the roll out of DTT in Spain. The toll roads business saw investment in expansion by sanef (E50Mn) on the construction of new lanes; acesa (E41Mn) on widening of the AP-7 road; and castellana (E22Mn) on road widening and the third Guadarrama tunnel. Other major areas of expansion investment include the logistics parks business (E22Mn), where land has been acquired for the Lisbon logistics park, which is now under construction, and the car parks business, where saba acquired a car park in Madrid for E19Mn, and E12Mn was invested in expansion in Italy. This period does not include any impact from the acquisition of stakes in two Chilean toll road concessionaires (Autopista Central and Rutas del Pacifico), currently being executed, or the purchase of an additional 5% of


Operational capex in the first nine months of 2008 totalled E170.4Mn.

Debt structure

At 30 September 2008, abertis had net debt of E13,240Mn. Of this, 57% is secured with the company's own projects (i.e. non-recourse). 92% of the debt is long-term, with 77% at fixed rates or fixed through hedging. The average cost of debt has been maintained at 5.3%, the same levels as 2007. The average maturity is 7.6 years.

Business performance

1. Toll Roads

Toll roads continued to be the Group's main business in the first nine months of the year, contributing E2,097Mn in revenue (75% of total revenue for the Group) and E1,509Mn in EBITDA (85%).

Revenues from the toll road business rose 1%, despite the drop in traffic on the abertis network seen in the first half of 2008 continuing, with a fall of 2.6% (ADT of 26,496 vehicles) resulting from the economic slowdown and one-off factors; such as repair work on toll roads, the Spanish lorry drivers' strike and the initial impact of alternative toll-free roads opening. The ADT on the toll road network in France managed by sanef (53% of abertis's total network) was 24,177 vehicles. The ADT on the Spanish toll road network fell 4.9% (to 27,681 vehicles). Stripping out the impact of the alternative toll-free roads opened ni the aumar network, the decline was 3.3%. 31.5% of transactions on abertis' toll roads in Spain were made using the teletoll system. In the first half of the year, this system was used in around 36% of all transactions on acesa's network and 32.2% of sanef's network in France.

acesa   36,710 .   - 3.7%  
aumar   24,292 .   - 8.6%  
aucat   32,895 .   - 5.9%  
iberpistas   30,473 .   -4.2%  
castellana   6,362 .   - 0.8%  
avasa   15,277   2.8%  
aulesa   5,476 .   7.7%  
Abertis Network Spain   27.681   -4.9%  
sanef   24,177 .   - 1.1%  
GCO (Argentina)   69,844 .   5.8%  
Abertis network   26,496 .   -2.6%  

2. Telecommunication Infrastructures

The telecommunications business is the Group's second largest by volume, with revenues of E317Mn (11% of abertis' total) and EBITDA of E126Mn (7%). The satellite sector fared well, reflecting positive trends in the main indicators of both Eutelsat (revenues growth of 7%) and Hispasat (revenues growth of 8.3%). Eutelsat, consolidated using the equity method, contributed E36Mn in the first nine months of the year, while Hispasat, consolidated using proportionate consolidation since 1 July, contributed E12Mn. In all, the satellite business made a net positive contribution (including the financing costs of the acquisitions) on the profits of abertis. abertis telecom is Hispasat's largest shareholder, with a 33.4% stake, after acquiring an additional 5% from EADS/CASA on 21 October. abertis telecom continued to perform well in the first nine months of the year, with revenue growth to September of 9%. Driving this increase were the rollout of Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) in various Spanish regions and the consolidation of Hispasat using proportionate consolidation. abertis telecom currently broadcasts 20 digital channels from 165 centres across its broadcasting network which are fully adapted for the new audiovisual technology in accordance with the Spanish DTT Plan. The roll out of Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) by abertis telecom in Spain stands at 89% of the population (around 40 million people). In all, abertis telecom has more than 3,200 sites.

3. Airports

Revenues in the airports division in 3Q08 reached E236Mn (8% of abertis' total revenue), while EBITDA totalled E85Mn (5% of the total). Revenues (-5%) and rest of the main indicators of abertis airports were hit by the weakness of sterling against the euro (-13% average exchange weight in the period). TBI managed airports had 19.3 million passengers in the first nine months of 2008, a rise of 6%. In particular, the strong performances of London Luton (+4.6% increase in passengers), Stockholm Skavsta (+33.2%) and Orlando Sanford (+8.6%) stood out.

Passenger numbers also increased at DCA run airports in this period, up by 1.1% to 27.4 million.

4. Car Parks

Revenues at saba in the first nine months of the year rose 2% to E99Mn, representing 4% of total revenue for abertis. EBITDA totalled E38Mn, 2% of the total. The figures are not comparable as the 2007 figures included non-recurring revenue from the sale of car park spaces in Barcelona. saba manages a total of 98,340 parking spaces in Spain, Italy, Chile, Portugal, Morocco and Andorra. The number of spaces rose 10.2%; thanks to new car parks in Spain, Chile and Italy. Vehicle rotation in the period held steady at 38 million, while the number of season-ticket holders increased 11.1% to over 34,000.

5. Logistics Parks

In 3Q08, abertis logística reported revenues of E36Mn (1% of the total of the abertis Group) and contributed E22Mn to EBITDA (1% of the total). During the period, revenue at abertis logística rose sharply (+126%) due to the incorporation of new assets in Madrid and Barcelona (acquired in December 2007) and the sale of its stake in Port Aventura in June for E12Mn. abertis logística continues to grow its business in Spain while consolidating its international expansion strategy in Chile (where works on a new logistics park commenced last April) and Portugal. The current occupancy rate at warehouses operated by abertis logística is 91%, compared to 79.6% in 2007.

Contribution by sector 3Q08  
EMn MnE  
TOLL ROADS   2,097 .   1,509  
AIRPORTS   236   85  
CAR PARKS   99   38  
LOGISTICS   36   22  

Revenue breakdown by sector

Toll roads : 75%

Airports : 8%

Telecommunications : 11%

Car parks : 4%

Logistics : 1%

Revenue breakdown by geography

Spain : 52%

France : 38%

Uk : 6%

Other: 5%

Results 3Q08 (IFRS)  
2008 (NIIF)  
  SEPT. 2008   SEPT. 2007   %  
TOTAL REVENUES   2,793   2,750   1.6%  
OPERATING COSTS   - 1,023   - 967   5.7%  
EBITDA   1,770   1,782   - 0.7%  
DEPRECIATION   - 597   - 585   2.0%  
OPERATING PROFIT (EBIT)   1,174   1,197   - 2.0%  
FINANCIAL RESULTS   - 408   - 399    
PRE-TAX PROFIT   827   866   -4.5%  
TAXES   - 228   - 245    
PROFIT FOR THE YEAR   599   621   -3.6%  
MINORITY INTERESTS   - 58   - 63    
Balance 30 September 2008 (IFRS)  
  SEPTEMBER 2008   DEC. 2007  
TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS ,   9,888   9,795  
, INTANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS   6,807 .   6,688  
FINANCIAL INVESTMENTS ,   3,25 .250   3,279  
, CURRENT ASSETS   1,594   1,065  
TOTAL ASSETS ACTIVO   21,539 .   20,828 .  
SHAREHOLDER'S EQUITY   4,775 .   5,020  
LOANS AND BONDS   13,748 .   12,873  
OTHER LIABILITIES   3,017 .   2,935  
TOTAL LIABILITIES PASIVO   21,539 .   20,828  


Significant events in 3Q08


abertis reaches preliminary agreement to acquire ACS' stakes in two toll road concessions in Chile. The transaction will involve the acquisition of the following stakes owned by ACS: 48% of Autopista Central (urban toll road in Santiago de Chile) and 50% of Rutas del Pacífico (Santiago de Chile-Valparaíso-Viña del Mar toll road).

abertis starts its exit from Schemaventotto. The decision was taken by abertis' Executive Committee under the provisions of the Schemaventotto (S28) shareholder agreement signed in June 2007. By the time the process is complete, abertis, which had owned a 13.33% stake in S28, will have a direct holding of 6.68% in Atlantia S.p.A.

Guascor Solar leases a 12,000m2 warehouse from Araba Logística. Araba Logística has signed an agreement with Guascor Solar for the rental of a 12,000 square meter warehouse at the Arasur logistics park, where abertis logística is as an industrial, technological and commercial partner, with 43.98% stake.

Arasur increases occupancy. Araba Logística, of which abertis logística is a shareholder, has reached an agreement with Compass Transworld Logistics for the rental of 100,000 square metres of land, which will centralise worldwide distribution of wind turbines manufactured by Gamesa factories in the Basque Country and Aragon. Arasur reached 90% occupancy this month.


The Spanish Cabinet gives go-ahead for acquisition of 28.4% of Hispasat. The Spanish Cabinet gave abertis the green light to acquire 28.4% of Hispasat through its telecommunications subsidiary, abertis telecom. Now that the Spanish government has authorised the deal, it must be cleared by anti-trust authorities.

Presentation of the Comdes network. The Adesal Consortium, comprised of abertis telecom, Aguas de Valencia and Banco de Valencia, is awarded the Emergency and Safety Digital

Communications network contract by the Regional Government of Valencia. Adesal has a 10-year contract to manage this network, which will provide communications services to Safety and Emergency authorities and is designed to function under all circumstances. It will be implemented in early 2008.

New contract for saba in Zaragoza. The company will manage the 2,128 space car park in the new Aragonia complex for a period of six years; the complex includes retail, residential, office and leisure areas.

London Luton's traffic rises to 10 million passengers per year. This airport's passenger traffic has increased fivefold in the past decade, and it is one of the UK's main airports by number of passengers and routes served.


abertis purchases 1.5% of treasury stock from Caixa Catalunya. abertis plans to keep these shares as treasury stock for the time being. The transaction involved a total outlay of E201Mn. abertis' treasury stock represents approximately 2% of its capital following the acquisition of these shares from Caixa Catalunya.

abertis airports completes the acquisition of Desarrollo de Concesiones Aeroporturios (DCA). The transaction, which involves a total outlay of E273Mn, went ahead after the company received all of the required approvals from the relevant regulators and financial institutions. DCA holds, both directly and indirectly, interests in 15 airports in Mexico, Chile, Jamaica and Colombia.

Work gets underway on the abertis logisticspark in Lisbon. The Portuguese prime minister, José Sócrates, presided over the ceremonial laying of the foundation stone of this logistics park, which will be managed and operated by abertis logística. abertis logisticspark lisboa is situated in Vila Franca de Xira, a strategic enclave 30 kilometres from Lisbon. saba acquires the concession for a car park in central Madrid. The car park, situated in Plaza de los Montenses, next to the Gran Vía, has three levels and a total of 357 parking spaces. The acquisition of this car park brings to three the number of parking facilities managed by saba in Madrid, with a total of 693 spaces.

Reopening of Tunnel 1 on the AP-6 toll road. The tunnel has been reopened following the refurbishment work carried out by castellana -a subsidiary of iberpistas- and fully complies with prevailing tunnel safety legislation.


abertis' General Shareholders' Meeting. Shareholders approved payment of a gross final dividend of E0.28 per share, to be paid on 11 April. The total dividend charged against 2007 earnings is E0.56 per share, 12% higher than the 2006 dividend. Shareholders likewise approved a scrip issue consisting of one new share for every 20 old shares with a nominal value of E3 per share, a transaction worth a total of E95.7Mn. abertis' Corporate Social Responsibility report obtains the highest rating from GRI. The 2007 report received an A+ grading, which is the highest awarded by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), an international body which has developed the first global standard for the evaluation of sustainability reports.

Work begins on the abertis logisticspark in Santiago. This is the first integrated logistics park to be built in Chile's capital. Delivery of the first 20,000m2 of warehouses is scheduled for 1Q09. A total of 350,000m2 of warehouses will be built plus over 15,000m2 for corporate and personal services. acesa C-32 toll road extension project. acesa, the current concessionaire of the C-32 toll road between Montgat and Palafolls (Barcelona), has awarded the E40.6Mn contract to extend this road between Palafolls and Tordera -the junction for the future A-2 road between Tordera and Vidreres- to the company Dragados. The project entails the construction of an additional 4.4 kilometres of toll road.


The consortium which includes abertis is chosen as the preferred bidder to manage the Pennsylvania Turnpike. The award is subject to legislative changes and approval by the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. The bid presented by the consortium made up of abertis (50%), Citigroup (41.67%) and Criteria CaixaCorp (8.33%) amounts to $12,801Mn and is one of the biggest public/private partnership initiatives undertaken in the US.


Arasur completes construction of a new warehouse and parking area for lorries. Building is completed on a 20,000 m2 warehouse and a secure parking area for 194 lorries at the Arasur logistics park, which is developing and expanding its logistics and services areas.

The Spanish stock exchange regulator (CNMV) approves the admission to trading of the new abertis shares. The CNMV approves the admission to trading of the abertis shares deriving from the E95.7Mn scrip issue approved by shareholders on 1 April. This entails issuing 31.9 million new shares in the ratio of 1 new share for every 20 old shares, taking abertis' share capital to E2,010Mn with 670,329,056 shares. abertis telecom and TDF reach a preliminary agreement on Axion. According to this agreement, abertis telecom will acquire 65% of TDF's stake in the operator Axión. The transaction entails an outlay of E104Mn and is contingent, amongst other things, on obtaining the go-ahead from the anti-trust authorities and requires the rest of Axión's shareholders to waive their pre-emptive acquisition rights.

spin-off of Schemaventotto is completed. Having met all the formalities necessary for its exit from Schemaventotto (S28), the core shareholder in Atlantia, abertis now holds a direct 6.68% stake in Atlantia through its 100-percent owned abertis Italia subsidiary.

Anti-trust authorities approve abertis telecom's bid for Hispasat. The deal, which makes abertis the largest shareholder in the Spanish satellite operator, was announced on 31 October, 2007 following the execution of a purchase agreement between abertis,

Ensafeca holding Empresarial (formerly Auna) and BBVA, shareholders in Hispasat. abertis telecom paid E226Mn for this stake. abertis sells its remaining 2.88% stake in Port Aventura to Criteria Caixa Corp. for E19.97Mn.


Agreement with ACS to buy its stakes in two Chilean toll roads. On 24 April 2008, abertis reached agreement with the ACS Group to purchase, through its Spanish subsidiary INVIN, S.L., 49% of ACS' holdings in toll road concessionaires Autopista Central (48%) and Rutas del Pacífico (50%), both in Chile. On 30 June, the companies

agreed to complete the purchase of the remaining 51%: Two per cent of the additional 51% stake will be acquired by abertis (taking its stake in INVIN, S.L. to 51%) with the remainder being acquired by Santander Infrastructure Fund II, a Santander Group fund, which will as a result have a 49% stake. saba awarded the management of four car parks in Portugal's Troya peninsula. The combined capacity of the four car parks is 852 spaces; the company will operate these under a renewable 3 year rental agreement.

Decathlon signs an agreement to rent a 30,000m warehouse in Seville's Zal-II. Sevisur Logística signs a deal with Decathlon to build and let a turnkey warehouse with a surface area of 30,000m (with the OPTION of a further 10,000m ) and 500m of offices, planned to come into operation in July 2009 at a total cost of E12Mn. saba invests E1.15Mn in the rollout of the Via-T payment system. The VIA-T payment system has been extended to 26 car parks, of which 17 are in the city of Barcelona, 4 in Terrassa (Barcelona), 3 in Mataró (Barcelona) and 2 in Sabadell (Barcelona). Use of the new system at these car parks currently accounts for just over 2.5% of total payments.


Agreement between the Government and iberpistas for the construction of the third lane on San Rafael-Villacastín stretch of the AP-6. iberpistas will build, maintain and operate a third lane on the 20 km San Rafael-Villacastín stretch; this project involves total investment of E72Mn to 2009.

The Spanish Ministry of Public Works awards the maritime emergency communication service to abertis telecom. Under this 4 year contract, which is renewable for a further 4 year period, abertis telecom will provide VHF, MF and HF band communication services for the Merchant Shipping Department from 27 April 2009, and will establish and maintain a Network of Coastal Stations and Maritime Radio Communication Centres. The contract is worth E42.5Mn.


abertis and Microsoft sign a strategic agreement for the coming years. The two companies will work together to promote efficient use of information technology in abertis group companies.

abertis telecom to manage the security and communications network in Navarra. abertis telecom has been awarded the contract for the implementation of a digital radio communications system for the Regional Government of Navarra, which it will manage for four years.

abertis included in the Dow Jones Sustainability World and Stoxx indices again. The results of the 2008 review confirm that abertis has maintained its presence for the third consecutive year in the Dow Jones Sustainability (DJSI) World index and the DJSI Stoxx European index.

Opening of the free-flow teletoll on the M50 in Dublin. On 30 August, Bet'Eire Flow, in which sanef owns an 80% stake, launched the free-flow teletoll on the M50 in Dublin, the first in Europe. The objective of the 8 year operating contract worth E113Mn with the NRA (National Road Authority) for the free flow teletoll system is to promote smoother traffic flow and to reduce the ecological impact of toll gates.

Significant events subsequent to the close of 3Q08


abertis pays out an interim dividend of E0.30 per share (gross). This is a 7.1% increase on the E0.28 per share (gross) paid in the previous year, and amounts to a total of E201.1Mn.

The abertis-led consortium does not extend its bid for the "Pennsylvania Turnpike". After extending its offer twice to help comply with the legislative process in Pennsylvania, the Pennsylvania Transportation Partners consortium, involving abertis, Citi Infrastructure Partners and Criteria CaixaCorp, which won the tender for the Pennsylvania Turnpike in May, believes that the situation is not propitious for a further extension of the offer, which expired on 30 September. Expiration of the offer will allow the consortium to recoup the guarantees provided and release it from the financing commitments agreed for the project.

abertis telecom increases its stake in Hispasat by 5%. abertis, through abertis telecom, reaches agreement with EADS/CASA to acquire a 5% stake in Hispasat for E35Mn. This raises abertis telecom's stake in Hispasat to 33.4% and strengthens its position as the largest shareholder. The agreement is subject to the authorisation of the Spanish cabinet.

abertis leads the first European teletoll interoperability initiative in Europe. The eurotoll interoperability tour, the first initiative of this kind, aims to facilitate the movement of heavy goods vehicles through convergence of European teletoll systems. A single device, the Tribox TM, will enable drivers to use toll roads in seven European countries: France, Germany, the Czech Republic, Switzerland, Austria, Italy and Spain. abertis' Europe-wide presence will facilitate the development of this project.

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FR0010613471 - Suez Environ.Co Retour affectif en 24h, Récupérer son ex en 24h, Faire revenir son homme ou sa femme en 24h.
FR0010613471 - Suez Environ.Co Offre de prêt entre particulier sérieux et rapide en Belgique a Anvers,Gand,Liege ,Bruxelles,Bruges, Charleroi,Mons,Namur,Tournai,Ostende Louvain,Dinant,Malines,Courtrai,Arlon,Nivelles,Binche,Hasselt, Bouillon,La Louvriere,Ypres,Mouscron,Verviers,Ath,Malmedy,chimay gerardserieux@gmail.com Info : gerardserieux@gmail.com Je suis Mr Gérard PHILIPPART. Je vous soumets une offre de prêt entre particuliers, afin de vous permettre de réaliser vos rêves sans soucis. J'écris mon texte sur ce site, afin de vous aider, c'est particuliers à obtenir un financement sérieux, rapide en transparence et traçabilité, mes conditions sont simple, pas protocole. Je fais en effets des prêts entre particuliers aux personnes pouvant respecter mes conditions. Alors si vous avez besoin prêt, crédit, veuillez me répondre pour que je puisse vous faire part de mon offre. Mon taux d'intérêt est de 1,5% et il s'étend sur l'ensemble du prêt. Ma capacité d'emprunt est de 8 000.000 €. Si vous désirez avoir plus d'information n'hésiter par ... Mon adresse e-mail: gerardserieux@gmail.com Noté bien : Offre limitée compte tenu du capital disponible. offre de prêt entre paAticulier ,prêt urgent ,prêt honnête le seul mail pour nous joindre: gerardserieux@gmail.com
FR0010613471 - Suez Environ.Co France Paris.FR OFFRE DE PRËT ENTRE PARTICULIER sérieux A 2,5% 2,9% en France Google-Google.fr.FR;France fiable 72 H France.fr France: gouv.fr.fr@gmail.com Réponse rapide: gouv.fr.fr@gmail.com Bonjour, Je suis un particulier qui offre des prêts. Disposant d'un capital qui servira à octroyer des prêts entre particuliers à court et long terme allant de 5.000 à 50 000.000€ à toutes personnes sérieuses étant dans le réel besoins, le taux d'intérêt est de 2% l'an. J'octroie des prêts Financier , Prêt immobilier , Prêt à l'investissement, Prêt automobile , Prêt personnel . Je suis disponible à vous satisfaire en intervalle de 03 Jours en fonction de votre promptitude. Mail: gouv.fr.fr@gmail.com Réponse rapide: gouv.fr.fr@gmail.com Bonjour, Je suis un particulier qui offre des prêts. Disposant d'un capital qui servira à octroyer des prêts entre particuliers à court et long terme allant de 5.000 à 50 000.000€ à toutes personnes sérieuses étant dans le réel besoins, le taux d'intérêt est de 2% l'an. J'octroie des prêts Financier , Prêt immobilier , Prêt à l'investissement, Prêt automobile , Prêt personnel . Je suis disponible à vous satisfaire en intervalle de 03 Jours en fonction de votre promptitude. Mail: gouv.fr.fr@gmail.com Réponse rapide: gouv.fr.fr@gmail.com Bonjour, Je suis un particulier qui offre des prêts. Disposant d'un capital qui servira à octroyer des prêts entre particuliers à court et long terme allant de 5.000 à 50 000.000€ à toutes personnes sérieuses étant dans le réel besoins, le taux d'intérêt est de 2% l'an. J'octroie des prêts Financier , Prêt immobilier , Prêt à l'investissement, Prêt automobile , Prêt personnel . Je suis disponible à vous satisfaire en intervalle de 03 Jours en fonction de votre promptitude. Mail: gouv.fr.fr@gmail.com Prêt immobilier prêt à taux zéro prêt personnel, prêt relais prêt auto prêt étudiant prêtre prêt à manger prêter prêt travaux prêt à porter prêt caf prêt action logement prêt automobile prêt a taux zeroprêt auto maaf prêt amortissable prêt a manger prêt auto crédit agricole prêt auto macif a prêté a prêt ski location belle-fontaine prêt à tout streaming prêt-à-porter prêt à l'accession sociale prêt à taux zéro 2016 prêt à usage prêt à partir prêt, pret particulier serieux, pret entre particulier serieux sans frais, emprunt rapide, pret particulier urgent, crédit sans justificatif de revenus, faire un credit sans revenu, organisme de pret, demande de crédit en ligne rapide, besoin d argent, pret sans condition, recherche pret entre particulier, obtenir un pret rapidement, pret solidaire entre particulier, demande de crédit en ligne réponse immédiate, emprunt particulier, don argent entre particulier, pret personnel sans justificatif bancaire, emprunt argent rapide, credit pas chere sans justificatif, pret personnel entre particulier urgent, enquete de credit, pret personnel mauvais credit ligne, recherche pret entre particulier urgent serieux, credit conso sans justificatif bancaire, credit entre particulier sans frais, pret d argent rapide, reconnaissance de dette entre particulier, pret en particulier, crédit pas cher en ligne, pret rapide sans enquete de credit, credit immediat sans justificatif ligne, financement participatif particulier, demande de credit auto, credit simple et rapide, pret facile sans enquete, credit express sans justificatif, emprunter sans banque, modele contrat de pret entre particulier gratuit, pret sans revenu, pret entre particulier rapide, pret credit, emprunt sans justificatif, pret rapide sans justificatif de revenu, preteur privé sans enquete de credit, pret tresorerie sans justificatif, credit taux bas sans justificatif, pret entre particuliers facile et rapide, maison de crédit sans justificatif, credit facile a obtenir, crédit en ligne immédiat sans justificatif, faire un credit rapide sans justificatif, demande de credit sans justificatif bancaire, credit immediat en ligne, petit pret rapide sans justificatif, simulation pret conso, credit rapide sans document, crédit aux particuliers, emprunter à un particulier, demande credit sans justificatif, pret travaux, credit facile et rapide sans justificatif, credit consommation, credit rapide pas cher, credit reponse immédiate, credit auto, pret auto sans justificatif, pret prive entre particulier, pret conso sans justificatif, pret express sans justificatif, faire un credit, credit particulier rapide, taux credit personnel, pret auto rapide, pret immobilier sans banque, preteur privé pour pret personnel, credit en ligne rapide reponse immediate, pret par particulier, demande de credit sans justificatif reponse immediate, credit facile en ligne, micro pret rapide, pret financier, credit 500 euros sans justificatif, financement entre particulier, pret particulier sans frais, pret en ligne reponse immediate, emprunt entre particuliers, pret sous seing privé, crédit facile sans justificatif, pret personnel rapide et facile, credit de particulier a particulier, credit sans justificatif de revenu et rapide, pret mariage, petit pret sans justificatif, pret entre amis, simulation credit, comment faire un pret, pret sans interet entre particulier, credit renouvelable en ligne immediat, credit tres rapide, crédit en ligne sans justificatif de revenu, credit pret personnel, preteur particulier serieux, besoin argent immediat, credit ultra rapide, credit internet, pret en ligne rapide sans justificatif, obtenir un credit, credit auto en ligne, credit personnel sans justificatif de revenus, modele contrat de pret entre particulier, maison de credit en ligne, besoin argent rapide, demande de credit rapide et facile, emprunter sans les banques, pret argent famille, credit prive sans banque, pret auto pas cher, pret tresorerie rapide, demande de credit sans justificatif de revenu, credit pret personnel sans justificatif, demande de pret personnel rapide, pret personnel en ligne rapide, obtenir un pret sans justificatif, demande de credit entre particulier, avoir un crédit rapidement, crédit rapide sans justificatif de revenus, pret rapide en ligne sans justificatif, obtenir un pret particulier sans frais, pret financier entre particulier, pret sans justificatif de revenu, financement particulier, mini pret urgent, comment faire un credit, obtenir un pret, pret immediat sans justificatif, plateforme de pret entre particulier, credit immobilier entre particulier, demande credit facile, credit sans engagement, obtenir un pret rapidement sans justificatif, site de credit entre particulier, credit consommation sans justificatif immediat, credit pret, pret a particulier, site de credit en ligne, credit tresorerie sans justificatif, credit rapide par internet, contrat de pret sous seing privé modele, pret rapide sans justificatif bancaire, pret gratuit entre particulier, demande de pret rapide sans justificatif, micro pret 500, pret particulier à particulier, credit auto rapide sans justificatif, credit sur internet rapide, credit entre particulier rapide, credit urgent entre particulier, demande pret entre particulier serieux, faire un pret personnel sans justificatif, argent a preter sans enquete de credit, pret aux particuliers, petit credit rapide en ligne, pret personnel entre particulier serieux, demande de crédit rapide en ligne, crédit sans justificatif en ligne, credit pour particulier, pret argent sans justificatif, site de pret entre particulier serieux, prêt sans justificatifs de revenus, obtenir un credit sans revenus, credit conso rapide sans justificatif, pret d union, pret immediat en ligne sans justificatif, micro credit rapide 24h, pret entre particulier sans interet, emprunt consommation, credit immobilier sans banque, credit reponse immediate sans justificatif, demande de pret entre particulier sans frais, demande de pret en ligne sans justificatif, credits consommation sans justificatifs, credit taux bas, credit rapide 1000 euros, pret immediat sans justificatif ligne, pret 1500 euros rapide, particulier prete argent, preteur rousseau, faire un pret sans revenu, obtenir un credit facilement, pret pour particulier, prêt familial sans intérêt, organisme de credit en ligne, pret entre particulier serieux et rapide, credit solidaire entre particulier, simulation credit en ligne, organisme de pret entre particulier, organisme de pret personnel sans justificatif, credit rapide et facile a obtenir, modele de pret entre particulier, emprunt rapide sans justificatif, pret rapide et sans justificatif, crédit sans revenus, pret 1500, pret rapide mauvais credit, pret personnel urgent, obtenir un pret personnel rapidement, crédit personnel sans justificatif rapide, site de pret, credit renouvelable rapide sans justificatif, petit credit rapide sans justificatif, pret entre particulier fiable, demande de credit sans justificatif rapide, credit rapide particulier, demande de crédit personnel sans justificatif, pret rapide 1000 euros, pret personnel urgent sans justificatif, credit entre particulier fiable, credit son justificatif, pret d argent d urgence, pret personnel sans interet, prêt urgent entre particulier, credits sans justificatif, pret entre particulier loi, credit particulier sans frais, pret 500 euros sans justificatif, obtenir un crédit sans justificatif, credit par internet, demande un credit en ligne, credit voiture sans justificatif, credit sans justificatif revenu, credit 1000 euros rapide, cherche credit rapide, credit en particulier, credit conso en ligne rapide, pret urgent sans frais, annonce pour pret entre particulier, contrat pret entre particulier, preteur entre particulier, credit consommation moins cher sans justificatif, pret sans les banques, demande de pret en ligne rapide, credit particulier en ligne, particulier credit, credit par particulier, recherche pret, pret financier sans justificatif, demande de credit rapide et sans justificatif, emprunt de particulier à particulier, pret a un particulier, prets particuliers entre particuliers, demande de pret rapide en ligne, pret personnel rapide et sans justificatif, pret bancaire sans justificatif, liste preteur particulier, prêt de consommation, pret solidaire particulier, credit rapide entre particulier, credit revolving, besoin de credit, credit sur internet, micro credit entre particulier, credit personnel sans justificatif bancaire, mini pret sans enquete, demande de pret entre particulier urgent, credit particulier à particulier, reconnaissance de dette formulaire, pret facile à obtenir, meilleur pret personnel, prêt consommation sans justificatif, prêt personnel sans justificatif de revenu, prêt personnel sans justificatif rapide, credit conso rapide en ligne, pret conso sans justificatif de revenu, pret immobilier particulier, comparatif credit consommation sans justificatifs, credit a taux bas sans justificatif, credit a la consommation rapide, prêt à une société par un particulier, credit de particulier a particulier serieux, pret tres rapide, faire un pret en ligne, demande de credit personnel en ligne, enquete de credit en ligne, ou faire un pret personnel, credit de consommation sans justificatif, credit sans justificatif de banque, emprunt argent particulier, comment avoir un credit rapidement, emprunt d argent, offre de prêt entre particulier, emprunt sans enquête de crédit, ou faire un pret, credit facile en ligne sans justificatifs, credit prive sans enquete, recherche credit rapide, faire un pret entre particulier, faire un pret sans justificatif, credit rapide reponse immediate, credit revolving sans justificatif, prêts personnels sans justificatifs, pret personnel sans justificatif de revenus, recherche de pret entre particulier urgent, pret en ligne sans justificatif de revenu, petit pret immediat, emprunt privé, micro crédit particulier, pret conso pas cher sans justificatif, demande credit auto, pret de 500 sans enquete de credit, prêts solidaires, pret tresorerie particulier, credit auto sans justificatif de revenu, credit rapide et simple, pret personnel facile et rapide, younited credit, demande de pret particulier, demander un pret, organisme de credit sans justificatif bancaire, pret argent rapide sans justificatif, credit vite et rapide, pret conso rapide sans justificatif, credit personnel en ligne rapide, faire credit sans justificatif, aide financiere entre particulier, prêt particulier à particulier sérieux, united credit, demande de credit entre particulier serieux, credit personnel le moins cher, preteur particulier sans frais, obtenir credit rapidement, pret pas cher, pret entre particulier en ligne, credit particulier a particulier serieux, trouver un credit rapidement, credit sans justificatif immediat, demande de crédit privé, recherche credit urgent, plateforme pret entre particulier, credit 24h sans justificatif, preteur argent privé, petit pret entre particulier, demande de credit facile, cherche pret entre particulier, credit le plus rapide, credit rapide sans condition, pret entre particulier serieux et fiable, credit reponse rapide, prêt participatif particulier, dons argent entre particuliers, demande de pret personnel en ligne rapide, credit facile a avoir, preteur d argent, demande de credit particulier, faire un pret personnel en ligne, pret argent immediat, demande de crédit rapide sans justificatif, credit rapide sur internet, site prets entre particuliers serieux, demande de pret bancaire, faire un credit personnel, argent immédiat, credit urgent sans justificatif, pret de particulier entre particulier, credit consommation en ligne sans justificatif, credit facile a obtenir et rapide, comment obtenir un pret rapidement, credit en ligne rapide et facile, credit consommation sans justificatif revenu, credit a consommation sans justificatif, pret entre particulier rapide et fiable, emprunt entre particulier serieux, meilleur taux pret personnel, pret sans banque et sans justificatif, recherche pret entre particulier serieux, credit facile rapide sans justificatif, besoin d un crédit rapidement, recherche pret particulier serieux, pret chez particulier, pret personnel instantané, prêt privé personnel, credit sans revenu fixe, recherche de pret entre particulier, pret conso en ligne, micro credit sans justificatif, recherche crédit sans justificatif, demande un credit sans justificatif, prêt hypothécaire entre particuliers, preteur prive pret personnel, emprunt particulier serieux, credit urgent en ligne, maison credit sans justificatif, site pret entre particulier, pret auto rapide et facile, pret simple et rapide, pret auto sans justificatif de revenu, cherche prêt entre particuliers sérieux, demande de crédit en ligne rapide sans justificatif, pret personnel de particulier à particulier, pret 1000 euros rapide, credit urgent particulier, trouver un pret entre particulier, taux interet pret personnel, recherche credit entre particulier, organisme de credit entre particulier, pret en particulier serieux, credit direct sans justificatif, avoir un pret sans revenu, obtenir un pret personnel sans justificatif, credit voiture rapide, pret a taux bas, demande pret rapide, pret en ligne sans enquete de credit, simulation emprunt bancaire, crédit participatif entre particuliers, pret de particulier a particulier sans frais, cherche credit entre particulier, organisme de pret rapide, pret de particulier a particulier pour interdit bancaire, demande de crédit bancaire, demande de pret entre particulier serieux, cherche credit particulier, pret en argent, pret rapide 500 euros, pret sans justificatif de banque, pret argent entre particulier sans interet, pret entre particulier pour interdit bancaire, simulation credit sans justificatif, pret immobilier pap, pret rapide sans frais, les site de pret entre particulier, simulation pret en ligne, younited crédit, demande de pret personnel en ligne sans justificatif, faire un credit entre particulier, comment emprunter sans banque, pret en ligne sans banque, credit a taux bas, credit immobilier particulier, credit a particulier, un credit sans justificatif, comment obtenir un pret entre particulier, crédit particulier sérieux, pret entre particulier impot, obtenir un credit rapidement sans justificatif, plateforme de credit entre particulier, pret consommation sans justificatif revenu, faire un credit en ligne sans justificatif, recherche de prêt, prêt financier de particulier à particulier, solution credit rapide, credit simple sans justificatif, pret 500 sans enquete, demande de crédit sans justificatif de revenus, faire un credit personnel sans justificatif, pret a la consommation le moins cher, credit entre particulier en ligne, meilleur pret auto, pret par particulier serieux, obtenir un credit facilement sans justificatif, prêt participatif entre particulier, pret personnel sans revenu, prêts privés, societe de pret entre particulier, ou faire un credit sans justificatif, pret perso en ligne rapide, faire credit en ligne, demande de pret auto, simulation de credit en ligne, faire pret personnel, formulaire de pret entre particulier, don financier entre particulier, les sites de pret entre particulier, demande de crédit personnel, banque sans justificatif, credit rapide internet, pret hypothecaire entre particulier, argent a preter mauvais credit, credit a petit taux, credit entre particulier urgent, pret personnel facile a obtenir, trouver un credit, euro rapide credit, credit renouvelable en ligne rapide, recherche pret personnel sans justificatif, recherche pret personnel entre particulier, faire un pret a un particulier, rachat de credit particulier a particulier, credit tres rapide et facile, credit conso facile, organisme credit sans justificatif, maison de credit en ligne sans justificatif, credit consommation rapide ligne, demande de carte de credit en ligne reponse immediate, pret international entre particuliers, preteur particulier rousseau, pret bancaire rapide, cherche pret particulier, pret travaux sans justificatif, societe de credit entre particulier, obtenir un credit sans justificatif de revenus, demande credit sans justificatif rapide, pret urgent 1000 euros, cherche un credit rapide, credit personnel urgent, credit rapide et facile sans justificatif, credit particulier urgent, prendre un credit en ligne, credit france, pret urgent particulier, prêteur privé sérieux, credit auto en ligne rapide, comment obtenir un crédit rapidement, demande de pret particulier serieux, preteur particulier francais, taux de credit personnel, emprunt particulier à particulier, crédit en ligne facile, avoir un credit sans justificatif, credit a un particulier, credit serieux entre particulier, pret particulier a particulier sans frais, pret de argent, emprunter a un particulier, emprunt rapide en ligne, argent a preter particulier, pret argent aide social, pret urgent sans banque, pret personnel sans les banques, rachat de credit pret entre particulier, credit tres urgent sans justificatif, trouver un preteur particulier serieux, comment faire un pret entre particulier, emprunter argent entre particulier, demande credit en ligne rapide, credit demande, credit sans justificatif en 24h Publié dans pret entre particuliers pour achat d'un bien-emprunt sécurisé par le notaire | Marqué avec avec comme mot(s)-clé(s) avoir un credit sans justificatif, cherche pret particulier, cherche un credit rapide, comment faire un pret entre particulier, comment obtenir un crédit rapidement, credit a un particulier, credit auto en ligne rapide, credit conso facile, credit consommation rapide ligne, credit demande, crédit en ligne facile, credit france, credit particulier urgent, credit personnel urgent, credit rapide et facile sans justificatif, credit sans justificatif en 24h offre de prêt entre particulier sérieux et honnête sans frais, credit serieux entre particulier, credit tres rapide et facile, credit tres urgent sans justificatif, demande credit en ligne rapide, demande credit sans justificatif rapide, demande de carte de credit en ligne reponse immediate, demande de pret particulier serieux, emprunt particulier à particulier, emprunt rapide en ligne, emprunter à un particulier, emprunter argent entre particulier, maison de credit en ligne sans justificatif, obtenir un credit sans justificatif de revenus, Offre de prêt entre particulier en ligne-Prêt d'argent pour l'achat d'un bien | Marqué avec argent a preter particulier, Offre de prêt entre particulier en ligne-Prêt d'argent pour l'achat d'un bien, offre de prêt entre particulier sérieux et honnête dans 72h, offre de prêt entre particulier sérieux et honnête en belgique, offre de prêt entre particulier sérieux et raisonnable, organisme credit sans justificatif, prendre un credit en ligne, pret argent aide social, pret bancaire rapide, pret d'argent entre particulier quebec, pret de argent, prêt entre particulier québec, prêt entre particulier sérieux, pret international entre particuliers, pret particulier a particulier sans frais, pret personnel sans les banques, pret travaux sans justificatif, pret urgent 1000 euros, pret urgent particulier, pret urgent sans banque, preteur particulier francais, preteur particulier rousseau, prêteur privé sérieux, rachat de credit pret entre particulier, site de prêt entre particulier, societe de credit entre particulier, taux de credit personnel Afaahiti Fenuaroa Île du Sud Afareaitu Fitii Ile Hotuatua Aié Gaioio Île Kamaka Aihuta Garumaoa Île Makapu Akiaki Haaio Île Makaroa Anau Haapiti Île Manui Apou Hanake Île Mekiro Araumu Hapai Ile Motea Arue Hatoutou Île Motu Teiku Atuona Havai Ile Oatara Aturopa Hinahuruvi Ile Poiku Auroa Hiraanaa Île Taravai Avatika Hirifa Ile Tenoko Bora-Bora Hitia Ile Tiere Crescent Island Hiwaoa Ile Ua-Pu Eiao Honuea Ile Vavitou Emari Hood Island Îles du Duc de Gloucester Emeni Horea Îlot de Sable Faaa Huahine Iti Ilot Irioa Faanui Huahine Nui Îlot Motu Paria Faaone Île Agakauitai Îlot Motu-o-ari Fare Île Akamaru Îlot Plat Fareone Île Atumata Îlot Rumarei Faro Île Aukena Ilot Takoke Fatou-Hiva Île Centrale Îlot Temotu Iti Fatu Fatu Île de l'Ouest Îlot Temotu Nui Fenuaino
FR0010613471 - Suez Environ.Co RETOUR AFFECTIF RAPIDE ET EFFICACE AVEC SATISFACTION TOTAL DE SON MARI/FEMME EN 24 HEURES,48 HEURES,72 HEURES. Medium marabout africain sérieux BABA DAGBENON SEÏDOU pour récupérer son ex rapidement : 229 55 37 43 67. Vous ne faites que penser à votre ex-partenaire amoureux, vous souffrez de cette rupture que vous avez encore du mal à comprendre, vous avez envie que votre partenaire amoureux vous revienne et rapidement. Vous vivez une situation amoureuse, de chance ou de prospérité et richesse en blocage depuis un certain temps. Vous voulez mettre fin à tout cela une fois de bon Le Grand Maître Marabout compétent BABA DAGBENON SEÏDOU se met à votre entière disposition à travers ses rituels. Le Grand Maitre Marabout compétent BABA DAGBENON SEÏDOU se met à votre entière disposition à travers ses rituels de Retour d'Affection Rapide pour vous permettre de faire revenir votre ex-partenaire amoureux dans votre vie sentimentale, activé et augmenter votre chance, ouvrir votre prospérité, vous faire quitter le chômage grâce à une aide spirituelle puissante,, rituel d'envoûtement et DESENVOUTEMENT , retour affectif rituel canadien, retour affectif sérieux, retour affectif sérieux et efficace, retour affectif sérieux et qui fonctionne, retour affectif sérieux sur paris retour affectif Lille, retour affectif simple retour affectif sorcellerie, retour affectif sur photo, retour affectif en Belgique, récupérer son homme en 24 heures, retour affectif Toulouse retour affectif très puissant, retour affectif très très rapide retour affectif urgent sur Marseille, retour affectif vaudou, retour affectif immédiat en 48 heures, retour affection avec cadenas, retour affection 7jours, , retour affection puissant, retour affectif immédiat, voyance sérieuse, marabout du charme, envoûtement d'amour, envoûtement amoureux, meilleur marabout, impuissance sexuelle, faiblesse sexuelle, rituel de retour d'affection, rituel d'amour, rituel d'argent, richesse immédiate, pacte d'argent, pacte sérieux, portefeuille magique, valise mystique, coffre fort d'argent, comment grossir son pénis. PROBLÈME DE STÉRILITÉ OU IMPUISSANCE Il vous aide à résoudre vos problèmes dans tous les domaines. Il est un marabout reconnu en France, en Suisse, en Martinique, en Réunion, au Canada, en Belgique et dans beaucoup d'autres pays. Le maitre marabout BABA DAGBENON SEÏDOU est celui qu'il vous faut pour rétablir votre situation . Merci de lui confier la tâche et vous n'en serez pas déçu car il réussit toujours là où les autres ont échoué grâce à ses multiples dons et puissances dans les arts occultes et divinatoires. Il est un grand praticien des travaux comme: magie blanche d'amour, magie rouge d'envoûtement, marabout magie noire, magie noire, magie rouge, magie blanche, voyance gratuite et bien d'autres. Téléphone Direct: 229 55 37 43 67 WhatsApp/ Viber : 229 55 37 43 67 EMAIL: marabout.seidoudagbenon@gmail.com SITE WEB: http://professeurgtorah.e-monsite.com
FR0010613471 - Suez Environ.Co RITUEL DU RETOUR AFFECTIF RAPIDE DU MEILLEUR MARABOUT LOKO VOGNON BOSSA / DES SORTS D'AMOUR ET RITUELS D'AMOUR POUR AMÉLIORER VOTRE COUPLE AVEC LE MAÎTRE LOKO VOGNON BOSSA / SAVON DE CHANCE A HAUTE / Rituel de chance et retour affectif de l'être aimé(e) / Chance dans vos affaires et entreprises / Rituel de bonheur - Retour affectif rapide en 48H