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Mardi 21 Fév 2017 à 19:30





Lyon, 21 February 2017


On 21 February 2017, the Board of Directors of OL Groupe met and approved the FINANCIAL statements for the first half of the 2016/17 financial year1 .

Following delivery of OL Park in early 2016 and the agreement allowing IDG European Sports Investment Ltd to take a 20% stake in OL Groupe during the summer, the Group posted revenue growth, coupled with increased recurrence and diversification in the first half of 2016/17, demonstrating the success of the new phase its economic development.



In € m (1 July to 31 December) H1 2016/17 H1 2015/16 Chg. in €m % chg.
Ticketing 21.6 7.6 +14.0 +184%
of which French Ligue 1 14.2 4.9 +9.3  
of which European play 6.7 2.5 +4.2  
of which other matches 0.7 0.2 +0.4  
Sponsoring – Advertising 13.8 11.1 +2.7 +25%
Media and marketing rights 62.5 54.6 +7.9 +14%
of which LFP/FFF 24.3 17.6 +6.7  
of which UEFA 38.2 37.0 +1.2  
Events 3.9 - +3.9 NA
Brand-related revenue 8.6 8.4 +0.2 +2%
Revenue excluding player trading 110.3 81.7 +28.7 +35%
Proceeds from sale of player registrations 1.5 26.2 -24.7 -94%
Total revenue 111.8 107.8 +4.0 +4%


Ticketing revenue up €14.0 million or 184%

(H1 2016/17: €21.6 million; H1 2015/16: €7.6 million)

Ticketing receipts were boosted by the operation of OL Park in H1 2016/17 (Gerland in 2015/16), advancing €14.0 million to €21.6 million, vs €7.6 million in H1 2015/16.

Ticketing revenue from French Ligue 1 matches increased by €9.3 million to €14.2 million, vs €4.9 million in H1 2015/16. Average attendance per Ligue 1 match was 40,618, vs 31,620 in H1 2015/16, an increase of 28%. Including other non-Ligue 1 matches (Coupe de la Ligue round of 16), domestic ticketing revenue increased by €9.7 million to a total of €14.9 million vs €5.1 million in H1 2015/16.

Ticketing revenue for European matches, with an equal number of Champions League matches as in the previous year, also benefited from an OL Park effect and totalled €6.7 million, vs €2.5 million in H1 2015/16 (i.e. an increase of €4.2 million).

Average matchday revenue for all competitions combined, including general public and VIP (with services) as well as merchandising revenue on matchdays, catering commissions and parking, more than doubled to €1.7 million in H1 2016/17 (€0.8 million in H1 2015/16 in Gerland), generating a gross margin of 54%. Average matchday revenue per spectator for all competitions combined totalled €44 during the period, increasing 63% from H1 2015/16 (€27). It was boosted by the new, wider range of prices the Group now offers.


Revenue from sponsoring and advertising up €2.7 million or 25%

(H1 2016/17: €13.8 million; H1 2015/16: €11.1 million)

Revenue from sponsoring and advertising was €13.8 million, vs €11.1 million in H1 2015/16, up €2.7 million or 25%, owing primarily to (i) growth in marketing partnerships and hospitality services, (ii) the contribution from "365 boxes" and (iii) the new contractual terms with sports marketing company Lagardère Sports, in effect since OL Park entered service.

The new mixed-sex training centre opened in July 2016 and was officially inaugurated on 10 October 2016 as the "Groupama OL Training Center".

The “Groupama OL Academy”, the new mixed-sex training academy located in Meyzieu near OL Park also bears the Groupama name. It opened in September 2016 and was officially inaugurated on 27 October 2016.


Media and marketing rights up €7.9 million or 14%

(H1 2016/17: €62.5 million; H1 2015/16: €54.6 million)

Media and marketing rights totalled €62.5 million, vs €54.6 million in H1 2014/15, up 14%.

Domestic media rights (LFP, FFF) stood at €24.3 million, vs €17.6 million in H1 2015/16 (up €6.7 million, or 38%). They were boosted by OL's preliminary, mid-season ranking in the French Ligue 1 (4th place as of 31 December 2016 versus 9th place as of 31 December 2015) as well as by the overall increase in distributable media rights over the new 2016/17 – 2019/20 period. Gross revenue distributable to Ligue 1 and Ligue 2 clubs for the 2016/17 season will total €801 million, vs €648 million in the 2015/16 season (up 24%).

On the international level (UEFA), the club played in the group stage of the Champions League this season, as it did in the previous year. UEFA media rights totalled €38.2 million in H1 2016/17, vs €37.0 million in H1 2015/16, representing an increase of €1.2 million and deriving in particular from better performance in the group stage and residual revenue from the 2015/16 Champions League received in the first quarter of 2016/17.


Revenue of €3.9 million from new Events business

(H1 2016/17: €3.9 million; H1 2015/16: €0 million)

Several key events were held in OL Park during the first half of 2016/17, including the Euro 2016 semi-final match (six matches altogether played at OL Park between June and July), the Rihanna concert on 19 July 2016 and the Magnus League ice hockey "winter game" on 30 December 2016.

In the second half, OL Park will host the final of the Coupe de la Ligue on 1 April 2017, a Coldplay concert on 8 June 2017 and Monster Jam on 24 June 2017. Other events are already scheduled for the next financial year: a Celine Dion concert on 12 July 2017 and the 2018 Europa League final.

New additional businesses, developed since OL Park entered service, continued to grow. They included conventions, B-to-B seminars & corporate events (150 seminars in the first half, or more than 16,200 people) and stadium tours (20,385 visitors since the start of the season). 


Brand-related revenue up slightly (2%)

(H1 2016/17: €8.6 million; H1 2015/16: €8.4 million)

Brand-related revenue totalled €8.6 million, increasing 2% from €8.4 million in the first half of 2015/16. The main drivers were the new sales venues at OL Park (Megastore) and in the centre of Lyon, as well as a continued increase in e-commerce (up 18%).


Revenue from the sale of player registrations

(H1 2016/17: €1.5 million; H1 2015/16: €26.2 million)

In light of the Group's participation in the group stage of the Champions League, the Board of Directors decided to safeguard the club's professional roster, and so turned down several significant transfer offers during the summer of 2016.

As a result, revenue from the sale of player registrations totalled €1.5 million, corresponding to the transfer of Lindsay ROSE to FC Lorient in July 2016. In H1 2015/16, revenue from the sale of player registrations totalled €26.2 million.

As of 31 December 2016, the men's professional TEAM was composed of 35 players, of whom 31 were internationals and 21 were trained at the OL Academy.



In € m (1 July to 31 December) H1 2016/17 H1 2015/16 Chg. € m
Revenue 111.8 107.8 +4.0
Personnel costs -55.8 -46.6 -9.2
External purchases and expenses -40.2 -18.8 -21.4
Taxes other than income taxes -2.8 -1.7 -1.1
Residual value of player registrations -1.0 0.0 -1.0
EBITDA 12.1 40.7 -28.6
of which EBITDA excl. player trading 11.6 14.6 -3.0
of which EBITDA from player trading 0.5 26.2 -25.6
Amortisation/provisions, player registrations -5.8 -6.9 +1.1
Amortisation/provisions, excl. player registrations -9.3 -2.2 -7.0
Other ordinary income and expenses +11.0 -0.7 +11.8
Profit from ordinary activities 8.1 30.8 -22.7
Profit from ordinary activities, excl. player trading 13.3 11.6 +1.8
Profit/loss from ordinary activities, player trading -5.2 19.2 -24.5
Net financial expense -10.7 -0.8 -9.9
Pre-tax profit/loss -2.6 30.0 -32.6
Net profit/loss (Group share) -2.3 19.7 -22.0


EBITDA (H1 2016/17: €12.1 million; H1 2015/16: €40.7 million)

EBITDA remained very positive at €12.1 million in H1 2016/17 (vs €40.7 million in H1 2015/16, a period during which many player registrations were sold).

Excluding player training, EBITDA was €11.6 million in the first half, vs €14.6 million in the year-earlier period.

This slight decrease came about principally because the payroll increased (up €9.2 million vs H1 2015/16), reflecting players recruited in the summer of 2016, and because the professional squad was kept well-fortified with the objective of taking part in the group stage of the Champions League. The payroll/revenue ratio stood at 50% in H1 2016/17, in line with the Group's objectives.

External purchases and expenses increased (up €21.4 million vs H1 2015/16) because OL Park came into service on 9 January 2016 giving rise in particular to (i) new OL Park operating expenses, (ii) expenses related to new activities developed in OL Park, (iii) higher match organisation expenses due to the greater stadium capacity and (iv) application of the new contractual terms with sports marketing company Lagardère Sports since OL Park entered service.

EBITDA on player trading totalled €0.5 million and reflected a capital gain on the transfer of Lindsay Rose to FC Lorient in July 2016. In H1 2015/16, it totalled €26.2 million, reflecting active trading in the summer of 2015. The players transferred out had all been trained at the OL Academy and therefore generated capital gains equal to 100% of the proceeds from their transfer.

The market value of the men's professional team is still very high, at €208.3 million as of 31 December 2016, vs €178.2 million as of 31 December 2015 (OL valuation based on Transfermarkt). This valuation implies potential gains of €170.4 million as of 31 December 2016, up 26% over year-end 2015 and related primarily to players trained at the OL Academy (86% of total potential capital gains).


Profit from ordinary activities (H1 2016/17: €8.1 million; H1 2015/16: €30.8 million)

Profit from ordinary activities in H1 2016/17 was €8.1 million (vs €30.8 million in H1 2015/16). In particular, profit from ordinary activities excluding player trading totalled €13.3 million, vs €11.6 million in H1 2015/16, up €1.8 million. Regarding overall profit from ordinary activities compared to the year-earlier period, is important to recognise that there was virtually no player trading during H1 2016/17.

Net amortisation and provisions on player registrations edged down €1.1 million compared with H1 2015/16 (€5.8 million vs €6.9 million). Other net depreciation/amortisation and provisions totalled €9.3 million, vs €2.2 million in H1 2015 16. The €7.1 million rise derived principally from OL Park-related depreciation (0 in H1 2015/16).

Other ordinary income and expenses totalled a positive €11.0 million (vs €-0.7 million in H1 2015/16) and derived principally from capital gains on the December 2016 sale of certain assets – Tola Vologe (the Group's former head office, academy building and training grounds in Gerland), Megastore sci (the Gerland boutique), hotel building rights at the OL Park site – and from an insurance payment.


Net financial expense (H1 2016/17: €-10.7 million; H1 2015/16: €-0.8 million)

Net financial expense for the half-year period totalled €10.7 million (vs €-0.8 million in H1 2015/16). This year, it included €9 million in interest expense on OL Park financing (particularly the bank loan and bond issue). Since OL Park entered service, these amounts have ceased to be capitalised.


Net profit/loss (Group share) (H1 2016/17: €-2.3 million; H1 2015/16: €19.7 million)

Net loss, Group share, was €2.3 million in H1 2016/17, vs a profit of €19.7 million in the year-earlier period. This was a direct result of the near absence of player trading during H1 2016/17.




ASSETS (in € m) 31/12/2016 30/06/2016 Chg. € m
Intangible assets 40.6 34.4 +6.2
of which player registrations 37.9 31.7 +6.3
Property, plant & equipment 418.6 420.8 -2.1
Other non-current assets 13.1 17.1 -4.0
of which player registration receivables (>1 year) 0.4 4.9 -4.5
Non-current assets 472.3 472.2 +0.0
Current assets excl. cash & cash equivalents 96.5 99.7 -3.2
of which trade receivables 54.8 48.8 +6.0
of which player registration receivables (<1 year) 3.4 34.0 -30.6
Cash & cash equivalents 57.2 32.5 +24.8
Current assets 153.8 132.1 +21.6
TOTAL ASSETS 626.0 604.4 +21.6


EQUITY & LIABILITIES (in € m) 31/12/2016 30/06/2016 Chg. € m
Equity 172.7 145.0 +27.7
of which non-controlling interests 3.0 2.8 +0.2
Non-current liabilities 294.0 331.2 -37.2
of which long-term loans 264.7 299.3 -34.5
of which player registration payables (>1 year) 3.9 6.5 -2.6
Current liabilities 159.3 128.1 +31.2
of which financial debt (<1 year) 44.7 4.2 +40.5
of which player registration payables (<1 year) 11.3 14.9 -3.7
of which trade accounts payable 29.1 28.1 +1.0
of which tax and social security liabilities 48.4 45.7 +2.7

As of 31 December 2016, the balance sheet total stood at €626.0 million, vs €604.4 million as of 30 June 2016.

On the assets side, the net book value of player registrations was €37.9 million as of 31 December 2015, vs €31.7 million as of 30 June 2016. This figure included the following registrations acquired at the start of the 2016/17 financial year: Emmanuel Mamana from the Argentinean club River Plate (five-year contract, i.e. until 30 June 2021, IFRS value: €8.5 million) and Jean-Philippe Mateta from FC Berrichonne Football (five-year contract i.e. until 30 June 2021, IFRS value: €4.1 million).

Property plant & equipment, composed essentially of OL Park assets (stadium, store, Groupama OL Training Center and Groupama OL Academy) totalled €418.6 million as of 31 December 2016, vs €420.8 million as of 30 June 2016.

On 23 December 2016, IDG European Sports Investment Ltd subscribed to the first tranche of new shares and OSRANEs (Subordinated Bonds Redeemable in New or Existing Shares) for a gross amount of around €30 million, a significant event that strengthened the Group's equity See press release dated 27 December 2016. The term sheet signed on 10 November 2016 calls for IDG European Sports Investment Ltd to invest a total of €100 million in the form of new shares and OSRANEs, representing 20% of the capital of OL Groupe on a fully diluted basis (i.e. after issuance of the new shares and new OSRANEs).

Shareholders' equity as of 31 December 2016 was €172.7 million (including non-controlling interests), vs €145.0 million as of 30 June 2016.

At the same time, cash & cash equivalents increased to €57.2 million as of 31 December 2016, vs €32.5 million as of 30 June 2016.

Financial debt (excl. player registration receivables) totalled €309.4 million as of 31 December 2016 (€303.5 million as of 30 June 2016). On 14 December 2016, the Group's banks unanimously agreed to maintain the €34 million ceiling for the syndicated operating line of credit until its 30 September 2017 maturity date (according to the initial terms, the ceiling was to decline to €25 million on 9 January 2017).



  • Subscription to the last tranche of new shares and new OSRANEs reserved for IDG European Investment Ltd and creation of the joint venture

After the contract relating to IDG European Sports Investment Ltd's purchase of a 20% stake in OL Groupe (on a fully diluted basis) was signed on 10 November 2016, IDG European Sports Investment Ltd subscribed to the first tranche of its investment at the end of 2016 in the amount of ca. €30 million (in shares and OSRANEs).

The second tranche, in an amount of ca. €70 million is to be subscribed to no later than 28 February 2017.

The agreement signed with IDG calls for the creation of a joint venture in China with the objective of promoting OL Groupe and its brand and using OL's expertise in the People's Republic of China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau.

The joint venture is currently being formed and will be called Beijing OL FC Ltd. It will aim to (i) establish partnerships with local companies, (ii) create and develop football schools or training centres, (iii) promote the sale of OL match tickets to Chinese tourists and (iv) offer hospitality services related to OL matches and the new stadium. It will be 55%-held by Beijing Xing Zhi Sports Co. Ltd (a company tied to IDG Capital Partners) and 45%-held by OL Groupe. Beijing Xing Zhi Sports will have two seats on its Board of Directors and OL Groupe will have one seat.


  • Debt reduction and refinancing of remaining debt

A substantial portion of the funds raised from IDG European Sports Investment Ltd's investment in OL Groupe is to be applied to reduce the Group's indebtedness, so as to obtain a corresponding reduction in financial expense and plan an overall refinancing of the remaining debt.

The group is already exploring ideas and has initiated contact with a certain number of French and foreign financial institutions with the intention of implementing an overall debt refinancing during the course of 2017.


  • Naming of OL Park

Negotiations are ongoing with major French and international groups for the naming of the stadium; the objective is to finalise an agreement during the second half of the 2016/17 financial year.


  • OL Park developments

Following the sale of hotel complex building rights in December 2016 to Vinci Immobilier, Lavorel Hotels launched construction of a three-star, 140-room hotel in January 2017. The hotel is expected to be delivered in the third quarter of 2018. 

Sale of another portion of the building rights on the OL Park site is expected to be finalised in 2017, enabling the construction of other facilities to begin (leisure & entertainment complex, medical centre, office buildings, etc.).


  • Continued development of new OL Park activities

More major events have already been scheduled in OL Park, including the final of the Coupe de la Ligue on 1 April 2017, a Coldplay concert on 8 June 2017, Monster Jam on 24 June 2017, a Celine Dion concert on 12 July 2017, the 2018 Europa League final and the opening and final matches of the 2019 Women's World Cup.


  • Changes in the professional squad

In January 2017, the Group acquired the Dutch international striker Memphis Depay from Manchester United (4.5-year contract, i.e. until 30 June 2021, for €19.1 million plus up to €9.3 million in incentives).

Aldo Kalulu, Olivier Kemen and Clément Grenier have been temporarily transferred until 30 June 2017, to Rennes, Gazelec Ajaccio and AS Roma, respectively. AS Roma has a purchase option of €3.5 million plus incentives with regard to Clément Grenier.



  • Men's team:
  • French Ligue 1: 4th place with a match in hand (43 points)
  • UEFA Champions League: Group stage – 3rd place in group H (and entered into Europa League round of 32)
  • UEFA Europa League: victory in the first leg of round of 32 against AZ Alkmaar
    (1-4); second leg on 23 February 2017 at OL Park
  • Coupe de la Ligue: eliminated in the round of 16 against Guingamp
  • Coupe de France: eliminated in the round of 32 against OM


  • Women's team:
  • French Ligue 1: 1st place (39 points)
  • UEFA Women's Champions League: qualified for the quarter-finals against Wolfsburg (matches scheduled for 23 and 29 March 2017)
  • Coupe de France: qualified for the quarter-finals (match on 12 March 2017)


The slideshow of the 22 February 2017 information meeting will be available at the following address:


“This document contains indications about OL Groupe's goals. Known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors may affect the achievement of these goals, and consequently, OL Groupe's future results, performance and achievements may differ significantly from implied or stated goals. These factors could include changes to the economic and business environment, regulations, and risk factors detailed in OL Groupe's 2015/16 Registration Document.”


Next press release:

Q3 2016/17 revenue, on 11 May 2017.


For more information:

OL Groupe
Tel: +33 (0)4 26 29 67 00
Fax: +33 (0)4 26 29 67 18

Euronext Paris - Segment C
Indices: CAC Small - CAC Mid & Small - CAC All–Tradable - CAC All-Share – CAC Consumer Services – CAC Travel & Leisure
ISIN code: FR0010428771
Reuters: OLG.PA
Bloomberg: OLG FP
ICB: 5755 Recreational services


1 The Statutory Auditors have completed their limited examination of the first-half 2016/17 financial statements, and their report is in preparation.

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bancaire, pret gratuit entre particulier, demande de pret rapide sans justificatif, micro pret 500, pret particulier à particulier, credit auto rapide sans justificatif, credit sur internet rapide, credit entre particulier rapide, credit urgent entre particulier, demande pret entre particulier serieux, faire un pret personnel sans justificatif, argent a preter sans enquete de credit, pret aux particuliers, petit credit rapide en ligne, pret personnel entre particulier serieux, demande de crédit rapide en ligne, crédit sans justificatif en ligne, credit pour particulier, pret argent sans justificatif, site de pret entre particulier serieux, prêt sans justificatifs de revenus, obtenir un credit sans revenus, credit conso rapide sans justificatif, pret d union, pret immediat en ligne sans justificatif, micro credit rapide 24h, pret entre particulier sans interet, emprunt consommation, credit immobilier sans banque, credit reponse immediate sans justificatif, demande de pret entre particulier sans frais, demande de pret en ligne sans justificatif, credits consommation sans justificatifs, credit taux bas, credit rapide 1000 euros, pret immediat sans justificatif ligne, pret 1500 euros rapide, particulier prete argent, preteur rousseau, faire un pret sans revenu, obtenir un credit facilement, pret pour particulier, prêt familial sans intérêt, organisme de credit en ligne, pret entre particulier serieux et rapide, credit solidaire entre particulier, simulation credit en ligne, organisme de pret entre particulier, organisme de pret personnel sans justificatif, credit rapide et facile a obtenir, modele de pret entre particulier, emprunt rapide sans justificatif, pret rapide et sans justificatif, crédit sans revenus, pret 1500, pret rapide mauvais credit, pret personnel urgent, obtenir un pret personnel rapidement, crédit personnel sans justificatif rapide, site de pret, credit renouvelable rapide sans justificatif, petit credit rapide sans justificatif, pret entre particulier fiable, demande de credit sans justificatif rapide, credit rapide particulier, demande de crédit personnel sans justificatif, pret rapide 1000 euros, pret personnel urgent sans justificatif, credit entre particulier fiable, credit son justificatif, pret d argent d urgence, pret personnel sans interet, prêt urgent entre particulier, credits sans justificatif, pret entre particulier loi, credit particulier sans frais, pret 500 euros sans justificatif, obtenir un crédit sans justificatif, credit par internet, demande un credit en ligne, credit voiture sans justificatif, credit sans justificatif revenu, credit 1000 euros rapide, cherche credit rapide, credit en particulier, credit conso en ligne rapide, pret urgent sans frais, annonce pour pret entre particulier, contrat pret entre particulier, preteur entre particulier, credit consommation moins cher sans justificatif, pret sans les banques, demande de pret en ligne rapide, credit particulier en ligne, particulier credit, credit par particulier, recherche pret, pret financier sans justificatif, demande de credit rapide et sans justificatif, emprunt de particulier à particulier, pret a un particulier, prets particuliers entre particuliers, demande de pret rapide en ligne, pret personnel rapide et sans justificatif, pret bancaire sans justificatif, liste preteur particulier, prêt de consommation, pret solidaire particulier, credit rapide entre particulier, credit revolving, besoin de credit, credit sur internet, micro credit entre particulier, credit personnel sans justificatif bancaire, mini pret sans enquete, demande de pret entre particulier urgent, credit particulier à particulier, reconnaissance de dette formulaire, pret facile à obtenir, meilleur pret personnel, prêt consommation sans justificatif, prêt personnel sans justificatif de revenu, prêt personnel sans justificatif rapide, credit conso rapide en ligne, pret conso sans justificatif de revenu, pret immobilier particulier, comparatif credit consommation sans justificatifs, credit a taux bas sans justificatif, credit a la consommation rapide, prêt à une société par un particulier, credit de particulier a particulier serieux, pret tres rapide, faire un pret en ligne, demande de credit personnel en ligne, enquete de credit en ligne, ou faire un pret personnel, credit de consommation sans justificatif, credit sans justificatif de banque, emprunt argent particulier, comment avoir un credit rapidement, emprunt d argent, offre de prêt entre particulier, emprunt sans enquête de crédit, ou faire un pret, credit facile en ligne sans justificatifs, credit prive sans enquete, recherche credit rapide, faire un pret entre particulier, faire un pret sans justificatif, credit rapide reponse immediate, credit revolving sans justificatif, prêts personnels sans justificatifs, pret personnel sans justificatif de revenus, recherche de pret entre particulier urgent, pret en ligne sans justificatif de revenu, petit pret immediat, emprunt privé, micro crédit particulier, pret conso pas cher sans justificatif, demande credit auto, pret de 500 sans enquete de credit, prêts solidaires, pret tresorerie particulier, credit auto sans justificatif de revenu, credit rapide et simple, pret personnel facile et rapide, younited credit, demande de pret particulier, demander un pret, organisme de credit sans justificatif bancaire, pret argent rapide sans justificatif, credit vite et rapide, pret conso rapide sans justificatif, credit personnel en ligne rapide, faire credit sans justificatif, aide financiere entre particulier, prêt particulier à particulier sérieux, united credit, demande de credit entre particulier serieux, credit personnel le moins cher, preteur particulier sans frais, obtenir credit rapidement, pret pas cher, pret entre particulier en ligne, credit particulier a particulier serieux, trouver un credit rapidement, credit sans justificatif immediat, demande de crédit privé, recherche credit urgent, plateforme pret entre particulier, credit 24h sans justificatif, preteur argent privé, petit pret entre particulier, demande de credit facile, cherche pret entre particulier, credit le plus rapide, credit rapide sans condition, pret entre particulier serieux et fiable, credit reponse rapide, prêt participatif particulier, dons argent entre particuliers, demande de pret personnel en ligne rapide, credit facile a avoir, preteur d argent, demande de credit particulier, faire un pret personnel en ligne, pret argent immediat, demande de crédit rapide sans justificatif, credit rapide sur internet, site prets entre particuliers serieux, demande de pret bancaire, faire un credit personnel, argent immédiat, credit urgent sans justificatif, pret de particulier entre particulier, credit consommation en ligne sans justificatif, credit facile a obtenir et rapide, comment obtenir un pret rapidement, credit en ligne rapide et facile, credit consommation sans justificatif revenu, credit a consommation sans justificatif, pret entre particulier rapide et fiable, emprunt entre particulier serieux, meilleur taux pret personnel, pret sans banque et sans justificatif, recherche pret entre particulier serieux, credit facile rapide sans justificatif, besoin d un crédit rapidement, recherche pret particulier serieux, pret chez particulier, pret personnel instantané, prêt privé personnel, credit sans revenu fixe, recherche de pret entre particulier, pret conso en ligne, micro credit sans justificatif, recherche crédit sans justificatif, demande un credit sans justificatif, prêt hypothécaire entre particuliers, preteur prive pret personnel, emprunt particulier serieux, credit urgent en ligne, maison credit sans justificatif, site pret entre particulier, pret auto rapide et facile, pret simple et rapide, pret auto sans justificatif de revenu, cherche prêt entre particuliers sérieux, demande de crédit en ligne rapide sans justificatif, pret personnel de particulier à particulier, pret 1000 euros rapide, credit urgent particulier, trouver un pret entre particulier, taux interet pret personnel, recherche credit entre particulier, organisme de credit entre particulier, pret en particulier serieux, credit direct sans justificatif, avoir un pret sans revenu, obtenir un pret personnel sans justificatif, credit voiture rapide, pret a taux bas, demande pret rapide, pret en ligne sans enquete de credit, simulation emprunt bancaire, crédit participatif entre particuliers, pret de particulier a particulier sans frais, cherche credit entre particulier, organisme de pret rapide, pret de particulier a particulier pour interdit bancaire, demande de crédit bancaire, demande de pret entre particulier serieux, cherche credit particulier, pret en argent, pret rapide 500 euros, pret sans justificatif de banque, pret argent entre particulier sans interet, pret entre particulier pour interdit bancaire, simulation credit sans justificatif, pret immobilier pap, pret rapide sans frais, les site de pret entre particulier, simulation pret en ligne, younited crédit, demande de pret personnel en ligne sans justificatif, faire un credit entre particulier, comment emprunter sans banque, pret en ligne sans banque, credit a taux bas, credit immobilier particulier, credit a particulier, un credit sans justificatif, comment obtenir un pret entre particulier, crédit particulier sérieux, pret entre particulier impot, obtenir un credit rapidement sans justificatif, plateforme de credit entre particulier, pret consommation sans justificatif revenu, faire un credit en ligne sans justificatif, recherche de prêt, prêt financier de particulier à particulier, solution credit rapide, credit simple sans justificatif, pret 500 sans enquete, demande de crédit sans justificatif de revenus, faire un credit personnel sans justificatif, pret a la consommation le moins cher, credit entre particulier en ligne, meilleur pret auto, pret par particulier serieux, obtenir un credit facilement sans justificatif, prêt participatif entre particulier, pret personnel sans revenu, prêts privés, societe de pret entre particulier, ou faire un credit sans justificatif, pret perso en ligne rapide, faire credit en ligne, demande de pret auto, simulation de credit en ligne, faire pret personnel, formulaire de pret entre particulier, don financier entre particulier, les sites de pret entre particulier, demande de crédit personnel, banque sans justificatif, credit rapide internet, pret hypothecaire entre particulier, argent a preter mauvais credit, credit a petit taux, credit entre particulier urgent, pret personnel facile a obtenir, trouver un credit, euro rapide credit, credit renouvelable en ligne rapide, recherche pret personnel sans justificatif, recherche pret personnel entre particulier, faire un pret a un particulier, rachat de credit particulier a particulier, credit tres rapide et facile, credit conso facile, organisme credit sans justificatif, maison de credit en ligne sans justificatif, credit consommation rapide ligne, demande de carte de credit en ligne reponse immediate, pret international entre particuliers, preteur particulier rousseau, pret bancaire rapide, cherche pret particulier, pret travaux sans justificatif, societe de credit entre particulier, obtenir un credit sans justificatif de revenus, demande credit sans justificatif rapide, pret urgent 1000 euros, cherche un credit rapide, credit personnel urgent, credit rapide et facile sans justificatif, credit particulier urgent, prendre un credit en ligne, credit france, pret urgent particulier, prêteur privé sérieux, credit auto en ligne rapide, comment obtenir un crédit rapidement, demande de pret particulier serieux, preteur particulier francais, taux de credit personnel, emprunt particulier à particulier, crédit en ligne facile, avoir un credit sans justificatif, credit a un particulier, credit serieux entre particulier, pret particulier a particulier sans frais, pret de argent, emprunter a un particulier, emprunt rapide en ligne, argent a preter particulier, pret argent aide social, pret urgent sans banque, pret personnel sans les banques, rachat de credit pret entre particulier, credit tres urgent sans justificatif, trouver un preteur particulier serieux, comment faire un pret entre particulier, emprunter argent entre particulier, demande credit en ligne rapide, credit demande, credit sans justificatif en 24h Publié dans pret entre particuliers pour achat d'un bien-emprunt sécurisé par le notaire | Marqué avec avec comme mot(s)-clé(s) avoir un credit sans justificatif, cherche pret particulier, cherche un credit rapide, comment faire un pret entre particulier, comment obtenir un crédit rapidement, credit a un particulier, credit auto en ligne rapide, credit conso facile, credit consommation rapide ligne, credit demande, crédit en ligne facile, credit france, credit particulier urgent, credit personnel urgent, credit rapide et facile sans justificatif, credit sans justificatif en 24h offre de prêt entre particulier sérieux et honnête sans frais, credit serieux entre particulier, credit tres rapide et facile, credit tres urgent sans justificatif, demande credit en ligne rapide, demande credit sans justificatif rapide, demande de carte de credit en ligne reponse immediate, demande de pret particulier serieux, emprunt particulier à particulier, emprunt rapide en ligne, emprunter à un particulier, emprunter argent entre particulier, maison de credit en ligne sans justificatif, obtenir un credit sans justificatif de revenus, Offre de prêt entre particulier en ligne-Prêt d'argent pour l'achat d'un bien | Marqué avec argent a preter particulier, Offre de prêt entre particulier en ligne-Prêt d'argent pour l'achat d'un bien, offre de prêt entre particulier sérieux et honnête dans 72h, offre de prêt entre particulier sérieux et honnête en belgique, offre de prêt entre particulier sérieux et raisonnable, organisme credit sans justificatif, prendre un credit en ligne, pret argent aide social, pret bancaire rapide, pret d'argent entre particulier quebec, pret de argent, prêt entre particulier québec, prêt entre particulier sérieux, pret international entre particuliers, pret particulier a particulier sans frais, pret personnel sans les banques, pret travaux sans justificatif, pret urgent 1000 euros, pret urgent particulier, pret urgent sans banque, preteur particulier francais, preteur particulier rousseau, prêteur privé sérieux, rachat de credit pret entre particulier, site de prêt entre particulier, societe de credit entre particulier, taux de credit personnel Afaahiti Fenuaroa Île du Sud Afareaitu Fitii Ile Hotuatua Aié Gaioio Île Kamaka Aihuta Garumaoa Île Makapu Akiaki Haaio Île Makaroa Anau Haapiti Île Manui Apou Hanake Île Mekiro Araumu Hapai Ile Motea Arue Hatoutou Île Motu Teiku Atuona Havai Ile Oatara Aturopa Hinahuruvi Ile Poiku Auroa Hiraanaa Île Taravai Avatika Hirifa Ile Tenoko Bora-Bora Hitia Ile Tiere Crescent Island Hiwaoa Ile Ua-Pu Eiao Honuea Ile Vavitou Emari Hood Island Îles du Duc de Gloucester Emeni Horea Îlot de Sable Faaa Huahine Iti Ilot Irioa Faanui Huahine Nui Îlot Motu Paria Faaone Île Agakauitai Îlot Motu-o-ari Fare Île Akamaru Îlot Plat Fareone Île Atumata Îlot Rumarei Faro Île Aukena Ilot Takoke Fatou-Hiva Île Centrale Îlot Temotu Iti Fatu Fatu Île de l'Ouest Îlot Temotu Nui Fenuaino
FR0010613471 - Suez Environ.Co RETOUR AFFECTIF RAPIDE ET EFFICACE AVEC SATISFACTION TOTAL DE SON MARI/FEMME EN 24 HEURES,48 HEURES,72 HEURES. Medium marabout africain sérieux BABA DAGBENON SEÏDOU pour récupérer son ex rapidement : 229 55 37 43 67. Vous ne faites que penser à votre ex-partenaire amoureux, vous souffrez de cette rupture que vous avez encore du mal à comprendre, vous avez envie que votre partenaire amoureux vous revienne et rapidement. Vous vivez une situation amoureuse, de chance ou de prospérité et richesse en blocage depuis un certain temps. Vous voulez mettre fin à tout cela une fois de bon Le Grand Maître Marabout compétent BABA DAGBENON SEÏDOU se met à votre entière disposition à travers ses rituels. Le Grand Maitre Marabout compétent BABA DAGBENON SEÏDOU se met à votre entière disposition à travers ses rituels de Retour d'Affection Rapide pour vous permettre de faire revenir votre ex-partenaire amoureux dans votre vie sentimentale, activé et augmenter votre chance, ouvrir votre prospérité, vous faire quitter le chômage grâce à une aide spirituelle puissante,, rituel d'envoûtement et DESENVOUTEMENT , retour affectif rituel canadien, retour affectif sérieux, retour affectif sérieux et efficace, retour affectif sérieux et qui fonctionne, retour affectif sérieux sur paris retour affectif Lille, retour affectif simple retour affectif sorcellerie, retour affectif sur photo, retour affectif en Belgique, récupérer son homme en 24 heures, retour affectif Toulouse retour affectif très puissant, retour affectif très très rapide retour affectif urgent sur Marseille, retour affectif vaudou, retour affectif immédiat en 48 heures, retour affection avec cadenas, retour affection 7jours, , retour affection puissant, retour affectif immédiat, voyance sérieuse, marabout du charme, envoûtement d'amour, envoûtement amoureux, meilleur marabout, impuissance sexuelle, faiblesse sexuelle, rituel de retour d'affection, rituel d'amour, rituel d'argent, richesse immédiate, pacte d'argent, pacte sérieux, portefeuille magique, valise mystique, coffre fort d'argent, comment grossir son pénis. PROBLÈME DE STÉRILITÉ OU IMPUISSANCE Il vous aide à résoudre vos problèmes dans tous les domaines. Il est un marabout reconnu en France, en Suisse, en Martinique, en Réunion, au Canada, en Belgique et dans beaucoup d'autres pays. Le maitre marabout BABA DAGBENON SEÏDOU est celui qu'il vous faut pour rétablir votre situation . Merci de lui confier la tâche et vous n'en serez pas déçu car il réussit toujours là où les autres ont échoué grâce à ses multiples dons et puissances dans les arts occultes et divinatoires. Il est un grand praticien des travaux comme: magie blanche d'amour, magie rouge d'envoûtement, marabout magie noire, magie noire, magie rouge, magie blanche, voyance gratuite et bien d'autres. Téléphone Direct: 229 55 37 43 67 WhatsApp/ Viber : 229 55 37 43 67 EMAIL: SITE WEB:
FR0010613471 - Suez Environ.Co RITUEL DU RETOUR AFFECTIF RAPIDE DU MEILLEUR MARABOUT LOKO VOGNON BOSSA / DES SORTS D'AMOUR ET RITUELS D'AMOUR POUR AMÉLIORER VOTRE COUPLE AVEC LE MAÎTRE LOKO VOGNON BOSSA / SAVON DE CHANCE A HAUTE / Rituel de chance et retour affectif de l'être aimé(e) / Chance dans vos affaires et entreprises / Rituel de bonheur - Retour affectif rapide en 48H