Excellent business results with sales increasing 20% over the half year
Consolidated (€M) – non audited | 2016 | 2015 | Variation |
Q1 Sales | 145.7 | 119.2 | +22.3% |
Q2 Sales | 166.4 | 131.4 | +26.6% |
TOTAL | 312.2 | 250.6 | +24.6% |
Sales figure for the first half of 2016 on sharp increase: up 24.6%
As was expected, Groupe MAISONS FRANCE CONFORT sales for the first half of 2016 improved sharply upwards, reaching €312.2M, +24.6% as compared to the previous year.
At constant scope, excluding business done by Camif Habitat and Illico Travaux, which was incorporated as from the 1st of October 2015, growth has picked up speed and worked out to 17.4% for that half year (for the record, it was 15.1% for the first quarter of 2016).
Renovation activity accounts for a total sales figure of €23M for the half year.
Business was excellent with sales improving 19.9% at the end of June.
Business activity was also very brisk for the second quarter, especially during May and June.
Orders taken that half year worked out to 3,805 sales as compared to 3,231 at the same time last year, increasing 17.8% in number and 19.9% in value against 2015. They represent a tax-exclusive sales figure of €418.1M versus a tax-exclusive figure of €348.8M for the first half of 2015, and €22M Renovation orders were also booked.
Performances are in line with a two-digit growth figure expected for 2016
Considering the entire business year, and owing to the growth achieved during the first half year and to the amount of work in progress, MAISONS France CONFORT confirms a two-digit growth of production for 2016, which will enable the firm to gradually recover its normative level of profitability.
And furthermore, business activity registered for the first half of the year allows Groupe MAISONS France CONFORT to feel confident for 2017 with conditions set for growth.
Next press release: 1st half year 2016 results, on 20 September 2016 after stock exchange closing
Next meeting: on 21 September 2016 at 10 am at the Palais Brongniart – Paris
Founded in 1919, MAISONS FRANCE CONFORT is the oldest builder of single-family homes in France and the largest builder of single-family homes on individual plots. Already leader in the house construction, MAISONS FRANCE CONFORT became in 2015 the French No. 1 in house renovation. The Group operates in 12 regions in France, with 375 sales offices.
Staff at 30 June 2016: 1,523 people.
MAISONS France CONFORT equities are eligible for PEA-PME equity savings plan.
MAISONS FRANCE CONFORT is listed on the Euronext Paris - Compartment B.
ISIN Number: FR 0004159473 - Index: CACÒ Small, CACÒ Mid & Small, CACÒ All-Tradable, CACÒ All-Share
Commercial site: www.maisons-france-confort.com – Financial site: www.groupe-mfc.com
MAISONS FRANCE CONFORT Patrick Vandromme Chairman and Managing Director Tel. +33 (0)2 33 80 66 61 Email pvandromme@maisonfc.fr Jean-Christophe Godet Finance & Administration Manager Tel. +33 (0)2 33 80 66 61 Email finances@maisonfc.fr |
ACTUS Amalia Naveira Analyst/Investor/Press relations Tel. +33 (0)4 72 18 04 90 Email anaveira@actus.fr Marie Claude Triquet Press relations Tel. +33 (0)4 72 18 04 93 Email mctriquet@actus.fr |