Leading Businesses and Non-Profit Organisations Will Develop First Global Consumer
Label for Companies Using Wind Energy
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NEW YORK, Feb. 14, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- "We want to build a bridge between consumers and companies committed to clean energy, and give consumers the option to choose more sustainable products. We hope that this will create a strong element of consumer pull which will accelerate the pace of wind energy development globally, We strongly encourage forward-looking companies to join us in this effort." - Ditlev Engel, ceo and President for Vestas Wind Systems who pioneered the WindMade initiative.
Wind power. It's clean. It's renewable.
And consumers will soon be able to know if wind energy was used to make the products they buy.
The Global Wind Energy Council, WWF, the LEGO Group, the UN Global Compact, Vestas Wind Systems, PricewaterhouseCoopers (the Official WindMade Verification Partner) and Bloomberg (the Official Data Provider to WindMade) recently announced their support and initiative for the development the first global consumer label identifying corporations and products made with wind energy during the World Economic Forum in Davos. Simply put, how a product is made is just as important as what is in it and consumers will now have a choice.
WindMade is an initiative leading to the first global consumer label identifying products and companies made with wind energy. The driving force behind this initiative is the simple idea that one of the most important ingredients in a product is the energy used to produce it. The case for wind power is strong. Research indicates many energy-conscious consumers would prefer products made using wind energy, even if they cost more.
While many companies have already made bold statements about their commitment to renewable energy, consumers have to date no way of verifying the source of the energy used. WindMade will offer them the transparency they require for making informed choices. The WindMade consortium hopes to attract leading consumer brands as members. To use the WindMade label for their communications or products, WindMade members will undergo a certification process to verify their wind energy procurement. The standard for certification is currently being developed by a technical expert group. The aim will be to drive the development of new wind power plants, over and above what would be developed anyway.
WindMade™ is dedicated to offering consumers the opportunity to choose products and services that utilize wind energy. The label will be appearing soon, so please keep an eye out, because your choice can power change.
TO LEARN MORE, VISIT: www.windmade.org
Contact: Jim Bowling