A Madrid, les 24 et 25 juin
- Des experts de l'industrie et des leaders du monde des affaires présenteront leurs points de vue sur le rôle de l'immobilier durant la crise ainsi que les défis et les opportunités du futur.
Madrid, le 15 juin 2010 - La Tribune des Anciens Élèves de la Wharton School Global sera le siège du débat sur le secteur de l'immobilier, vendredi prochain, le 25 juin. Des experts espagnols et internationaux de renom assisteront à la table ronde et discuteront de thèmes comme l'importance de l'industrie dans l'économie moderne, particulièrement pendant la crise actuelle.
- What is the current situation in the European and global real estate industry in 2010?
- Which are the key factors and potential alerts in the short and medium term?
- Will there be any relapses in this transition from crisis to recovery?
- The real estate bubble: are we safe or will it be back?
- How can the economic crisis affect the future development of the cities?
The round table that will bring light to this and other subjects will be chaired by Olivia S. Mitchell, Professor of the Insurance and Risk Management Department and Executive Director of the Pension Research Council, from Wharton School, accompanied by Ismael Clemente, Managing Director RREEF from Deutsche Bank (Madrid), Gordon DuGan, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of W.P. Carey & Co (New York) and Wharton alumni, Christian Schulte Eistrup, Managing Director of Capital Markets-Europe, MGPA (London) and Wharton alumni, Pelayo Primo de Rivera, Chief Executive Officer of Norfin (Madrid) and Wharton alumni, Alfonso Vegara, founder and Chairman of the Metrópoli Foundation (Madrid) and Armin J Lohr, Partner of McKinsey.
The general situation and the weakness of the real estate market has had serious short-term implications both for investors and the banks. And in the long term, it is also having an impact on the global economy and on our whole environment. That is why a debate on the present and future of the real estate industry is particularly relevant today. This panel of experts at the Wharton Forum will aim to define the major challenges for the industry in Europe and the rest of the world in 2010, the causes of the decline and how long the situation might last, and whether the enormous investments MADE by governments to stimulate national infrastructure were appropriate and the impact they have had.
Wharton Global Alumni Forum in Madrid
Under the theme: "A whole new world: where do we go from here?" the Global Forum for alumni and friends set to be held in Madrid on June 24th and 25th, will also address issues ranging from finance to energy, telecommunications, innovation or tourism.
Besides, some of the most distinguished professors from the academic staff at Wharton School, experts on topics of great interest in today's world, will impart Master Classes at the forum. For instance, Jeremy Siegel, one of the world's leading FINANCIAL experts; Mauro Guillén, a leading thinker on business globalization; Raffi Amit, an expert on entrepreneurship and Olivia Mitchell, one of the world's authorities on risk management and pension/retirement research will be present at the forum.
Between others, speakers include:
- Alfredo Sáenz, CEO, Santander
- Ana Patricia Botín, Chairwoman, Banesto
- Baldomero Falcones, Chairman and CEO, Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas, S.A (FCC)
- Antonio Vázquez, Chairman, Iberia Airlines
- Taleb Rifai, Secretary General for World Tourism Organization
- Angel Cano, Chief Executive Officer, BBVA
- César Alierta, Chairman Telefónica
- Javier Monzón, Chairman, Indra
- Miguel Torres, President and CEO, Bodegas Torres (Wine Cellar)
- María Garaña, Managing Director Spain, Microsoft
- Amparo Moraleda, Chief Operating Officer, Iberdrola International Division
- Lady Barbara Thomas Judge, Chairwoman of the British Atomic Energy Authority
- John Mack, Chairman, Morgan Stanley
- Jean Claude Baumgarten, President-World Travel and Tourism Council
- Mohammed Alshaya (WG'84), Executive Chairman, M.H. Alshaya Co.
- Corrado Passera, Managing Director and CEO, Intesa Sanpaolo
- Luis Alberto Moreno, Chairman, Interamerican Development Bank
- Alberto Durán, Founder & CEO, Mundivox
- Oscar Fanjul, President, Omega Capital
- Saad Abdul Latif, CEO-Pepsico Asia, Middle East & Africa
- Roberto Canessa, survivor Andes Plane's crash
- Ángel Corcóstegui, Founder-Magnum Industrial Partners
- Antonio Garrigues Walker, Chairman-Garrigues
- Carmen Becerril, Chairwoman- Acciona Energía
- Felipe Oriol, Founder-Corpfin
- Isaac Devash, Founding Partner - Israeli International Funds
- Antoine Drean- Founder, Triago
Wharton's presence in Europe continues to grow through our fourteen alumni clubs across the continent. As a continued commitment to greater understanding in this region, Wharton publishes its thought leadership online newsletter, Knowledge @ Wharton with its 1.4 million subscribers, in Spanish and Portuguese. Universia Knowledge@Wharton is a bi-weekly online resource that offers latest business insights, information and research from a variety of sources. Please visit http://www.wharton.universia.net.
About the Wharton Global Alumni Forum
Since 1993, thirty nine Wharton School Global Alumni Forums have been held in thirty one of the world's leading cities across five continents including Shanghai, Mumbai, London, Beijing, Mexico City, Rio de Janeiro, Bogota, Dubai and Paris. The forum in Madrid is one of two this year - the other held in Seoul in May. For a full listing of the speakers and topics of the Wharton Global Alumni Forum in Madrid, please visit: http://www.whartonmadrid10.com/Madrid10
About the Wharton School
The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania - founded in 1881 as the first collegiate business school - is recognized globally for intellectual leadership and ongoing innovation across every major discipline of business education. The most comprehensive source of business knowledge in the world, Wharton bridges research and practice through its broad engagement with the global business community. The School has more than 4,700 undergraduate, MBA, executive MBA, and doctoral students; more than 12,000 annual participants in executive education programs; and an alumni network of more than 85,000 graduates.
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María Umbert
Directora de Comunicación
T 971 224464
Patricia Sierra, sierrap@fleishman.es
Ana Moreno, morenoan@fleishman.es
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T 91 788 32 00
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