Washington, D.C., le 27 janvier 2010 -- Envion Inc., une compagnie de recyclage des déchets en énergie basée à Washington D.C., a été choisie pour participer à l'édition 2010 de la Conférence CleanEquity Monaco, un symposium sur les technologies environnementales dont la participation se fait sur invitation uniquement et se tenant chaque année dans la Principauté de Monaco.
A cette occasion, 50 des sociétés leaders au niveau mondial en technologies propres de prochaine génération seront accueillies par Innovator Capital, une banque d'investissement spécialisée basée à Londres et la Chambre de développement économique de Monaco, et auront l'opportunité d'exposer leur approche en terme d'avancées technologiques aux dirigeants d'entreprises et aux décideurs de premier plan représentant les acteurs clefs des secteurs de l'investissement, de la politique, de l'industrie et des médias du monde entier. Plenary sessions, led by sector-experts, will discuss and identify key industry themes, drivers and constraints, as well as forward-looking trends. At the closing ceremony, His Serene Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco will present three prestigious awards pertaining to environmental technologies.
In order to be chosen to present at CleanEquity Monaco, companies must pass a rigorous selection process involving a multitude of factors, such as technological innovation, market opportunity, management experience, growth stage and revenue potential.
"Envion is honored to be part of such a monumental event," said Chief Executive Officer Michael Han. "All of the presenting companies and attendees are involved in tremendous environmental technology projects, and we are excited to share our company's achievements and learn from others in return."
About Envion Inc.:
Envion Inc. has developed and created a first of its kind plastic waste to oil conversion platform and is actively manufacturing, marketing, and licensing its proven technology for the U.S. market, with potential international expansion. The Envion Oil Generator(TM) is designed to convert petroleum-based plastics into synthetic light-medium oil that can be further refined to produce commercial fuels such as gasoline, kerosene, jet fuel, and diesel. The Envion process of plastic waste reuse addresses a host of critical issues ranging from plastic waste management, plastic production, the landfill capacity crisis, petroleum reserve depletion/fossil fuel conservation, greenhouse gas emissions, and the overall reduction of the world's carbon footprint.
Envion Inc.
Stephanie Haven
Associate Director of Corporate Communications
+1 (202) 965-5030
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