Barcelone, le 8 juillet 2008 - La période de souscription préférentielle à l'émission de nouvelles actions par la multinationale du textile DOGI commence ce matin. Pendant cette période, qui est de 15 jours calendaires, chaque action DOGI donnera un droit à une souscription préférentielle, deux droits étant nécessaire pour souscrire une action de nouvelle émission.
Un total de 30 141 080 nouvelles actions DOGI vont être émises, pour une valeur de 24 112 864 euros, à un prix d'émission de 0,80 euro par action - 0,60 euro de valeur nominale par action plus une prime d'émission de 0,20 euro.
The shares in this issue can be subscribed during three subscription periods. First is the preferential subscription and additional application period, beginning today and ending on 22nd July with no possibility of extension. Then comes the additional share assignment period and finally the discretionary assignment period when shares may be assigned to any third party who applies, with the authorisation of the DOGI board of directors.
The aim of this DOGI share issue is to meet temporary FINANCIAL needs to implement the Asian Optimisation Plan, the requirements for funds for the Sri Lanka Joint Venture over the period 2008-2010, the final phase of the start-up of the new factory at El Masnou and to optimise the group's financial structure in a setting of great uncertainty on financial markets.
The DOGI group is a world leader in elastic fabrics, with a market share of over 25%. The Spanish-based multinational is the only supplier in the industry with a global presence. It develops, produces and markets innovative products for the underwear, swimwear, activewear and outer clothing markets. The group has over 2,000 employees and a production capacity of 40 million metres a year, which is distributed through its three brands: DOGI (creative elastic fabrics), PENN ELASTIC (specialist elastic fabrics) and EFA (functional elastic fabrics).
Copyright Hugin