(Genève, Suisse, le 19 mai 2008) - Lors du 8e salon annuel EBACE, Dassault Falcon a annoncé aujourd'hui une nouvelle commande de 20 Falcon 2000 LX de la part de NetJets Europe, évaluée à 720 millions de dollars. NetJets Europe possède également 10 autres Falcon 2000 LX d'une commande précédente. Cette flotte de 30 appareils est évaluée à plus d'un milliard de dollars.
" NetJets Europe a convaincu des milliers d'hommes et de femmes d'affaires de se déplacer en avion privé et nous sommes heureux de constater une aussi forte demande de leurs clients pour les avions Dassault", a déclaré John Rosanvallon, PDG de Dassault Falcon.
"This new order means they will be adding over 60 new Falcons to their fleet over the next eight years. This is an important endorsement for our company as well as our aircraft."
The new Falcon 2000LX was launched at EBACE in May 2007. Based on the popular 2000EX EASy, the 2000LX features a range of 4,000 nautical miles at Mach .80 with a best-in-class climb speed to 41,000 feet in just 18 minutes. It offers the same spacious, quiet interior as the 2000EX EASy but with a list of more extensive city pairs. The 2000LX comes standard with the award-winning EASy, flight deck which has won high marks of praise for its integrated features and intuitive displays.
"Our customers love the Dassault Falcon 2000 and the Falcon 2000EX. With the added range and increased fuel efficiency of the Falcon 2000LX, we know this aircraft will be a big hit with European businessmen and women," said Mark Booth, Chairman and ceo of NetJets Europe. "Dassault continues to find ways to improve on an aircraft which was already a classic." The 2000LX will have the ability to connect major city pairs such as London to New York; Madrid to Almaty or Oslo to Dubai.
The Falcon 2000LX will be powered by the same highly reliable Pratt & Whitney Canada PW 308C engines as the Falcon 2000EX and 2000EX EASy. The PW308C is rates at 7,000 lbs thrust (ISA + 15C) and recently passed 150,000 flight hours. Certification for the Falcon 2000LX is expected shortly with deliveries immediately following.
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Dassault Falcon is responsible for selling and supporting Falcon business jets throughout the world. It is part of Dassault Aviation, a leading aerospace company with a presence in over 70 countries across 5 continents. Dassault Aviation produces the renowned Mirage and Rafale fighter jets as well as a complete line of Falcon business jets. The company has assembly and production plants in both France and the United States and service facilities on both continents. It employs a total workforce of over 12,000. Since the rollout of the first Falcon 20 in 1963, over 2000 Falcon jets have been sold worldwide.
The family of Falcon jets currently in production includes the tri-jets-the Falcon 7X, the Falcon 900DX and the new 900LX-as well as the twin-engine Falcon 2000LX and 2000DX.
-End - U.S.: Ralph Aceti +1-201-541-4585 Andrew Ponzoni +1-201-541-4588
Dassault Falcon Teterboro Airport, Box 2000 - South Hackensack, NJ 07606
FRANCE: Vadim Feldzer +33 1 47 11 44 13 - Marie-Alex Munoz +33 1 47 11 64 23
Dassault Aviation 78 Quai Marcel Dassault - 92552 Saint-Cloud Cedex 300 - France
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About NetJets Europe
NetJets Europe was founded in 1996 and today is the largest business jet company in Europe. As the only pan-European operator with its own fleet, NetJets Europe, through NetJets Transportes Aéreos (NTA), is uniquely capable of delivering a consistent, world-class service with an unparalleled commitment to safety and security. NTA is the only dedicated business jet operator to be awarded the IOSA certificate - the highest safety accreditation in the world. In 2007, the NetJets Europe Fleet flew more than 73,000 flights to 136 countries. NetJets Europe employs a total workforce of more than 1,600. NetJets Europe is the marketing agent of NetJets Transportes Aéreos S.A., an EU air Carrier.
For more information, photography or interview opportunities:
Joanna Derain
NetJets Europe
+44 20 7361 9559
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