Implementation of a bond financing transaction for a nominal amount of EUR3 million through the issue of bonds convertible into shares reserved for Nice and Green | Bourse Reflex
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Implementation of a bond financing transaction for a nominal amount of EUR3 million through the issue of bonds convertible into shares reserved for Nice and Green

Lundi 03 Avr 2017 à 12:00

  • Immediate subscription to a first tranche of €600,000
  • Great financial visibility beyond year one

DBT (ISIN Code: FR0013066750 – ticker: ALDBT), the European leader in high-speed charging stations for electric vehicles, has announced the implementation of a financing transaction through the issue of 150 bonds convertible into shares (obligations convertibles en actions – OCAs) to be subscribed to in eight tranches, enabling the Company to raise a nominal amount of €3 million[1], with a single share subscription warrant (bon de souscription d'actions – BSA) issued upon subscription to the first tranche of OCAs (nos. 1 to 30).

The financing is provided by Nice & Green, a company specialising in the provision of financing solutions tailored to the requirements of listed companies.

The main features of this financing facility, which is intended to strengthen DBT's financial position and is to be carried out pursuant to an issue agreement signed on 28 March 2017[2], are as follows:

  • Issue of 150 OCAs to be subscribed to by Nice & Green on specific dates indicated in the pre-determined timetable below; 
  • The OCAs subscribed to by Nice & Green shall not be listed;
  • The shares resulting from the conversion of the OCAs shall be converted and disposed of at Nice & Green's discretion, without any pre-determined timetable;
  • The OCAs subscribed to by Nice & Green shall be converted on the basis of the lowest volume-weighted average price over the ten trading sessions prior to the conversion, with a discount of 10%.


The provision of this new financing facility accompanies the energy plan to reduce operating costs implemented in 2016 and should enable DBT to ensure the smooth launch of its latest generation of 150kw charging stations (NG150).

The NG150, presented at the Paris Motor Show and the eCarTec trade fair in Germany in autumn 2016, should be launched before the summer and the first deliveries should take place in 2017-2018.

This transaction should ensure that the Company has the necessary resources to meet its cash flow requirements for more than one year. Other initiatives have also been undertaken and may be announced over the coming months. The Group will keep the markets informed of all key developments.


Pursuant to the sub-delegation of authority granted to him by DBT's Board of Directors at its meeting of 23 March 2017, the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer decided, on 28 March 2017, to issue 150 OCAs with a single BSA issued upon the subscription to the first 30 OCAs.

The subscription to the 150 OCAs was reserved for Nice & Green within the framework of an issue reserved for a certain category of beneficiaries.

Nice & Green immediately subscribed to 30 OCAs, resulting in a subscription for a total nominal amount of €600,000.

Taking into account the remaining 120 OCAs, the bond issue is likely to result in an equity injection of €3 million corresponding to Nice & Green's subscription to all of the OCAs.

The legal terms and conditions, the main features of the various instruments as well as the obligations incumbent upon DBT and Nice & Green are set out in the appendix to this press release.

This issue will not involve the drafting of a prospectus to be filed with the French financial markets authority (Autorité des marchés financiers – AMF).

Communications calendar
2016-2017 first-half results 27 April 2017 (after the close of trading)


Set up in 1990, DBT is an industry reference in professional electrical equipment (access control bollards, power distribution units, current transformers) and the European leader in high-speed charging stations for electric vehicles.
The Group designs, manufactures and sells one of the most high-performance and comprehensive ranges of charging stations on the market, with standard (3 to 8 hours), semi-fast (1 to 3 hours) and fast-charging (20 to 30 minutes) terminals that are adapted to all types of uses and needs. At 31 December 2016, it had a fleet of over 17,500 charging stations, 2,100 of which are high-speed stations. DBT serves more than 450 active clients including Auchan, Autogrill, BP, EDF, Eurotunnel, Ikea, McDonald's, Nissan, Sodetrel, and the Bordeaux, Paris and Neuilly-sur-Seine town councils, etc.
Awarded the label of "Innovative Company" by Bpifrance, DBT posted turnover of €10.0 million in 2015/16. Based in Douai, the Group employed 78 members of staff at 31 January 2017.
For more information, go to


ACTUS finance & communication
Jérôme Fabreguettes-Leib – Investor Relations
Tel. +33 (0)1 53 67 36 78/
ACTUS finance & communication
Anne-Catherine Bonjour – Media Relations
Tel. +33 (0)1 53 67 36 93/
DBT Group Communication
Marlène Maréchal

Features and terms and conditions of the plan to raise funds through the issue of OCAs with a BSA


Pursuant to its eleventh resolution, DBT's Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting of 21 December 2016 (hereinafter the “Meeting”) delegated to the Board of Directors, in accordance with the provisions of article L. 225-138 of the French Commercial Code (Code de commerce), the authority to carry out a capital increase with a view to issuing financial instruments comprising and/or giving their holders the right (via the exercise of the share issue warrants) to debt securities granting access to the Company's capital to which share subscription warrants are attached, without shareholder preferential subscription rights for a certain category of beneficiaries.

The Meeting defined this category of beneficiaries who may subscribe to such an issue as follows:

  • organisations, investment companies, investment funds or French or foreign collective savings funds that may invest in French companies listed on the Euronext or Alternext stock exchanges specialising in structured bond issues for small and medium-sized companies;
  • it being specified that the Board of Directors may include between one (1) and (10) beneficiaries belonging to the above-mentioned category per issue.

In accordance with the provisions of article L. 225-138 II of the French Commercial Code, the Meeting also decided that:

(i) the issue price of the financial instruments comprising debt securities granting access to the Company's capital to which share subscription warrants are attached shall be determined based on their nominal value, which may be reduced by a discount of no more than 20%;

(ii) the issue price of the ordinary shares resulting from the exercise of the rights attached to such debt securities or to such share subscription warrants shall be equal to or more than the lowest daily volume-weighted average price over the ten trading sessions prior to the setting of the issue price, which may be reduced by a discount of no more than 20% following any adjustments to this amount to take account of differences in vesting dates.

Finally, the Meeting also decided that the maximum nominal amount of the capital increases that may be carried out immediately and/or at a later date, pursuant to the eleventh resolution, may not exceed a total nominal amount of €1,000,000, subject, if applicable, to the nominal amount of any additional shares to be issued to safeguard, in accordance with the law and any applicable contractual provisions, the rights of any holders of securities granting access to the capital, within the limit of the overall nominal ceiling set in the thirteenth resolution.

Pursuant to the delegation of authority granted to it under the eleventh resolution of the Meeting, the Board of Directors' meeting of 23 March 2017 agreed on the principle of issuing 150 OCAs representing a bond issue with a total nominal amount of €3 million, with a BSA to be issued upon the subscription to the first 30 OCAs, without preferential subscription rights for Nice & Green.

At this same meeting, the Board of Directors granted full authority to its Chairman to sign the OCA issue agreement and decided to sub-delegate to Hervé Borgoltz, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, the authority to carry out, subject to the conditions and within the limits laid down by the Board of Directors, the issue in question.

After signing the issue agreement with Nice & Green on 28 March 2017, the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, pursuant to the sub-delegation of authority granted to him, decided to issue 150 OCAs with a nominal value of €20,000, each with a BSA issued upon the subscription to the first 30 OCAs by Nice & Green, according to the pre-determined subscription timetable.

As of today's date, Nice & Green immediately subscribed to 30 OCAs, resulting in a subscription for a total nominal amount of €600,000.


The OCAs shall have a nominal value of €20,000 each and be fully paid up.

They shall not bear interest and shall have a maximum maturity of twelve months as of their issue date. Except in the event of default, all OCAs must be converted upon reaching maturity if they have not already been converted.

In the event of default, Nice & Green shall have the right to claim a cash refund from DBT corresponding to the OCAs and/or to suspend or refuse the subscription to the remaining OCAs.

The OCAs are numbered from 1 to 150 and must be subscribed to by Nice & Green (subject to certain preconditions) in several tranches of a predetermined amount without DBT having to restate its intention to issue the OCAs according to the following timetable:

  • 28 March 2017: OCAs nos. 1 to 30
  • 26 May 2017: OCAs nos. 31 to 45
  • 26 June 2017: OCAs nos. 46 to 60
  • 25 July 2017: OCAs nos. 61 to 75
  • 23 August 2017: OCAs nos. 76 to 90
  • 22 September 2017: OCAs nos. 91 to 105
  • 23 October 2017: OCAs nos. 106 to 120
  • 21 November 2017: OCAs nos. 121 to 135
  • 20 December 2017: OCAs nos. 136 to 150

Holders may request to convert their OCAs into DBT shares at any time, based on the conversion ratio determined using the following formula: N = Nv/P


“N”: number of new ordinary DBT shares to be issued upon the conversion of an OCA.

“Nv”: nominal value of an OCA.

“P”: 90% of the lowest daily volume-weighted average price (VWAP) over the ten trading sessions during the period in which the conversion price is set (i.e., the ten trading days immediately prior to the date on which the request to convert the OCAs in question was submitted).

The OCAs, which may only be transferred to companies controlled by Nice & Green, shall not be admitted for trading on the Alternext stock exchange and consequently shall not be listed.

The shares resulting from the conversion of the OCAs may be converted and disposed of at Nice & Green's discretion, without any pre-determined timetable.

Nice & Green has a policy of refraining from becoming involved in the governance of the companies in which it invests and therefore has no intention of seeking representation on DBT's Board.


A single BSA is issued upon the subscription to the first 30 OCAs by Nice & Green.

The BSA is immediately detached from the OCAs to which it is attached on their issue date. The BSA, which is non-transferable, shall not be admitted for trading on the Alternext stock exchange and consequently shall not be listed.

It shall only be exercisable until the end of the conversion period for all of the OCAs (hereinafter the “Exercise Period”) in the following two scenarios:

  • In the event that the DBT shares are delisted from the Alternext stock exchange on DBT's request, unless such delisting is in order to admit the DBT shares for trading on the Euronext stock exchange;
  • In the event of a change in control; control is understood within the meaning of article L. 233-3 of the French Commercial Code.

The BSA entitles its holder, during the Exercise Period, to subscribe to a number of shares equal to the lesser of (i) the total nominal amount of OCAs nos. 1 to 30 (i.e., €600,000) and (ii) the total nominal amount of the OCAs not yet subscribed to on the date that the issuer receives the request to exercise the BSA divided by P, it being specified that P may not be less than €3.645.

The BSA's exercise price shall be equal to P.


The new shares issued upon the conversion of the OCAs or upon the exercise of the BSA shall be immediately eligible for dividends. They shall have the same rights as those attached to the Company's existing ordinary shares and shall be admitted for trading on the Alternext stock exchange on the same listing line (ISIN Code FR0013066750 – ALDBT).

The Company shall keep an up-to-date tracking table on its website ( to monitor the OCAs and BSA and the number of shares issued upon the conversion of the OCAs.


For information purposes, the theoretical impact of the issue and the subscription to OCAs nos. 1 to 30 (for a total nominal amount of €600,000) and to all of the OCAs (for a total nominal amount of €3,000,000) would be as follows:

  • Impact of the issue on the portion of shareholders' equity per share (based on the amounts of equity recorded in the financial statements at 30 June 2016 prepared in accordance with French GAAP) and the number of shares making up DBT's share capital at 23 March 2017, i.e., 4,127,323 shares):
  Portion of total shareholders' equity and shareholders'
equity per share at 30 June 2016 (in euros)
Diluted base* Non-diluted base
For 30 OCAs For 150 OCAs For 30 OCAs For 150 OCAs
Before the issue Total: €2,172,000
Per share: €0.53
Total: €2,172,000
Per share: €0.53
After the issue of 266,667** shares (30 OCAs) and 658,436*** new shares (150 OCAs) resulting from the conversion of the single OCAs Total: €2,042,000
Per share: €0.49
Total: €1,694,000
Per share: €0.43
Total: €2,042,000
Per share: €0.49
Total: €1,694,000
Per share: €0.43

* To date, there are no instruments granting access to the Company's capital, either immediately or at a later date

** The calculation of the issue of the shares resulting from the conversion of the first 30 OCAs is based on an estimated benchmark price of €2.25 per share (€2.50 per share minus a 10% discount) for a conversion between 28 March 2017 and 30 March 2017

*** The calculation of the issue of the shares resulting from the conversion of the OCAs in the following eight tranches is based on a constant conversion price of €3.645 per share (€4.05 per share minus a 10% discount, i.e., the opening price at 24/03/2017 – based on the best information available on the date of this press release)

  • Impact of the issue on the stake of a shareholder owning 1% of the Company's capital:
  Shareholder stake (as a %)
Diluted base* Non-diluted base
For 30 OCAs For 150 OCAs For 30 OCAs For 150 OCAs
Before the issue 1% 1%
After the issue of 266,667** shares (30 OCAs) and 658,436*** new shares (150 OCAs) resulting from the conversion of the single OCAs 0.94% 0.78% 0.94% 0.78%

* To date, there are no instruments granting access to the Company's capital, either immediately or at a later date

** The calculation of the issue of the shares resulting from the conversion of the first 30 OCAs is based on an estimated benchmark price of €2.25 per share (€2.50 per share minus a 10% discount) for a conversion between 28 March 2017 and 30 March 2017

*** The calculation of the issue of the shares resulting from the conversion of the OCAs in the following eight tranches is based on a constant conversion price of €3.645 per share (€4.05 per share minus a 10% discount, i.e., the opening price at 24/03/2017 – based on the best information available on the date of this press release)

  • The exercise of the BSA is not likely to generate an additional dilution to that estimated above resulting from the conversion of all of the OCAs. The BSA, whose minimum exercise price is €3.645, entitles its holder to a fixed number of shares calculated based on the lesser of (i) the total nominal amount of OCAs nos. 1 to 30 (i.e., €600,000) and (ii) the total nominal amount of the OCAs still to be subscribed to on the date that the issuer receives the request to exercise the BSA, and may only be exercised by Nice & Green in the event of a change in control and/or the delisting of shares on DBT's request.


Nice & Green has agreed to set up a profit-sharing programme that involves granting DBT a share in the capital gain it generates on the sale of the shares issued upon the conversion of the OCAs, to be paid in cash.

The profit-sharing programme is intended to enable the issuer to share in the profits generated by Nice & Green up until the end of the contractual period.

The purpose of such a programme is based on the principle that the sound management of the resources MADE available to Nice & Green will enable the latter to grow and create value, thereby making the sale of the shares resulting from the conversion of the OCAs more profitable.

This solution is a simpler alternative to making adjustments to the amounts of the reductions on shares resulting from the conversion of the OCAs in the event that the value of the issuer's share increases.


[1] The amount of net income generated by the issue (after the deduction of costs linked to the raising of funds) is estimated at €2,700,000.

[2] Subject to the fulfilment of certain preconditions.

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micro crédit particulier, pret conso pas cher sans justificatif, demande credit auto, pret de 500 sans enquete de credit, prêts solidaires, pret tresorerie particulier, credit auto sans justificatif de revenu, credit rapide et simple, pret personnel facile et rapide, younited credit, demande de pret particulier, demander un pret, organisme de credit sans justificatif bancaire, pret argent rapide sans justificatif, credit vite et rapide, pret conso rapide sans justificatif, credit personnel en ligne rapide, faire credit sans justificatif, aide financiere entre particulier, prêt particulier à particulier sérieux, united credit, demande de credit entre particulier serieux, credit personnel le moins cher, preteur particulier sans frais, obtenir credit rapidement, pret pas cher, pret entre particulier en ligne, credit particulier a particulier serieux, trouver un credit rapidement, credit sans justificatif immediat, demande de crédit privé, recherche credit urgent, plateforme pret entre 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pret entre particulier rapide et fiable, emprunt entre particulier serieux, meilleur taux pret personnel, pret sans banque et sans justificatif, recherche pret entre particulier serieux, credit facile rapide sans justificatif, besoin d un crédit rapidement, recherche pret particulier serieux, pret chez particulier, pret personnel instantané, prêt privé personnel, credit sans revenu fixe, recherche de pret entre particulier, pret conso en ligne, micro credit sans justificatif, recherche crédit sans justificatif, demande un credit sans justificatif, prêt hypothécaire entre particuliers, preteur prive pret personnel, emprunt particulier serieux, credit urgent en ligne, maison credit sans justificatif, site pret entre particulier, pret auto rapide et facile, pret simple et rapide, pret auto sans justificatif de revenu, cherche prêt entre particuliers sérieux, demande de crédit en ligne rapide sans justificatif, pret personnel de particulier à particulier, pret 1000 euros rapide, credit urgent particulier, trouver un pret entre particulier, taux interet pret personnel, recherche credit entre particulier, organisme de credit entre particulier, pret en particulier serieux, credit direct sans justificatif, avoir un pret sans revenu, obtenir un pret personnel sans justificatif, credit voiture rapide, pret a taux bas, demande pret rapide, pret en ligne sans enquete de credit, simulation emprunt bancaire, crédit participatif entre particuliers, pret de particulier a particulier sans frais, cherche credit entre particulier, organisme de pret rapide, pret de particulier a particulier pour interdit bancaire, demande de crédit bancaire, demande de pret entre particulier serieux, cherche credit particulier, pret en argent, pret rapide 500 euros, pret sans justificatif de banque, pret argent entre particulier sans interet, pret entre particulier pour interdit bancaire, simulation credit sans justificatif, pret immobilier pap, pret rapide sans frais, les site de pret entre particulier, simulation pret en ligne, younited crédit, demande de pret personnel en ligne sans justificatif, faire un credit entre particulier, comment emprunter sans banque, pret en ligne sans banque, credit a taux bas, credit immobilier particulier, credit a particulier, un credit sans justificatif, comment obtenir un pret entre particulier, crédit particulier sérieux, pret entre particulier impot, obtenir un credit rapidement sans justificatif, plateforme de credit entre particulier, pret consommation sans justificatif revenu, faire un credit en ligne sans justificatif, recherche de prêt, prêt financier de particulier à particulier, solution credit rapide, credit simple sans justificatif, pret 500 sans enquete, demande de crédit sans justificatif de revenus, faire un credit personnel sans justificatif, pret a la consommation le moins cher, credit entre particulier en ligne, meilleur pret auto, pret par particulier serieux, obtenir un credit facilement sans justificatif, prêt participatif entre particulier, pret personnel sans revenu, prêts privés, societe de pret entre particulier, ou faire un credit sans justificatif, pret perso en ligne rapide, faire credit en ligne, demande de pret auto, simulation de credit en ligne, faire pret personnel, formulaire de pret entre particulier, don financier entre particulier, les sites de pret entre particulier, demande de crédit personnel, banque sans justificatif, credit rapide internet, pret hypothecaire entre particulier, argent a preter mauvais credit, credit a petit taux, credit entre particulier urgent, pret personnel facile a obtenir, trouver un credit, euro rapide credit, credit renouvelable en ligne rapide, recherche pret personnel sans justificatif, recherche pret personnel entre particulier, faire un pret a un particulier, rachat de credit particulier a particulier, credit tres rapide et facile, credit conso facile, organisme credit sans justificatif, maison de credit en ligne sans justificatif, credit consommation rapide ligne, demande de carte de credit en ligne reponse immediate, pret international entre particuliers, preteur particulier rousseau, pret bancaire rapide, cherche pret particulier, pret travaux sans justificatif, societe de credit entre particulier, obtenir un credit sans justificatif de revenus, demande credit sans justificatif rapide, pret urgent 1000 euros, cherche un credit rapide, credit personnel urgent, credit rapide et facile sans justificatif, credit particulier urgent, prendre un credit en ligne, credit france, pret urgent particulier, prêteur privé sérieux, credit auto en ligne rapide, comment obtenir un crédit rapidement, demande de pret particulier serieux, preteur particulier francais, taux de credit personnel, emprunt particulier à particulier, crédit en ligne facile, avoir un credit sans justificatif, credit a un particulier, credit serieux entre particulier, pret particulier a particulier sans frais, pret de argent, emprunter a un particulier, emprunt rapide en ligne, argent a preter particulier, pret argent aide social, pret urgent sans banque, pret personnel sans les banques, rachat de credit pret entre particulier, credit tres urgent sans justificatif, trouver un preteur particulier serieux, comment faire un pret entre particulier, emprunter argent entre particulier, demande credit en ligne rapide, credit demande, credit sans justificatif en 24h Publié dans pret entre particuliers pour achat d'un bien-emprunt sécurisé par le notaire | Marqué avec avec comme mot(s)-clé(s) avoir un credit sans justificatif, cherche pret particulier, cherche un credit rapide, comment faire un pret entre particulier, comment obtenir un crédit rapidement, credit a un particulier, credit auto en ligne rapide, credit conso facile, credit consommation rapide ligne, credit demande, crédit en ligne facile, credit france, credit particulier urgent, credit personnel urgent, credit rapide et facile sans justificatif, credit sans justificatif en 24h offre de prêt entre particulier sérieux et honnête sans frais, credit serieux entre particulier, credit tres rapide et facile, credit tres urgent sans justificatif, demande credit en ligne rapide, demande credit sans justificatif rapide, demande de carte de credit en ligne reponse immediate, demande de pret particulier serieux, emprunt particulier à particulier, emprunt rapide en ligne, emprunter à un particulier, emprunter argent entre particulier, maison de credit en ligne sans justificatif, obtenir un credit sans justificatif de revenus, Offre de prêt entre particulier en ligne-Prêt d'argent pour l'achat d'un bien | Marqué avec argent a preter particulier, Offre de prêt entre particulier en ligne-Prêt d'argent pour l'achat d'un bien, offre de prêt entre particulier sérieux et honnête dans 72h, offre de prêt entre particulier sérieux et honnête en belgique, offre de prêt entre particulier sérieux et raisonnable, organisme credit sans justificatif, prendre un credit en ligne, pret argent aide social, pret bancaire rapide, pret d'argent entre particulier quebec, pret de argent, prêt entre particulier québec, prêt entre particulier sérieux, pret international entre particuliers, pret particulier a particulier sans frais, pret personnel sans les banques, pret travaux sans justificatif, pret urgent 1000 euros, pret urgent particulier, pret urgent sans banque, preteur particulier francais, preteur particulier rousseau, prêteur privé sérieux, rachat de credit pret entre particulier, site de prêt entre particulier, societe de credit entre particulier, taux de credit personnel Afaahiti Fenuaroa Île du Sud Afareaitu Fitii Ile Hotuatua Aié Gaioio Île Kamaka Aihuta Garumaoa Île Makapu Akiaki Haaio Île Makaroa Anau Haapiti Île Manui Apou Hanake Île Mekiro Araumu Hapai Ile Motea Arue Hatoutou Île Motu Teiku Atuona Havai Ile Oatara Aturopa Hinahuruvi Ile Poiku Auroa Hiraanaa Île Taravai Avatika Hirifa Ile Tenoko Bora-Bora Hitia Ile Tiere Crescent Island Hiwaoa Ile Ua-Pu Eiao Honuea Ile Vavitou Emari Hood Island Îles du Duc de Gloucester Emeni Horea Îlot de Sable Faaa Huahine Iti Ilot Irioa Faanui Huahine Nui Îlot Motu Paria Faaone Île Agakauitai Îlot Motu-o-ari Fare Île Akamaru Îlot Plat Fareone Île Atumata Îlot Rumarei Faro Île Aukena Ilot Takoke Fatou-Hiva Île Centrale Îlot Temotu Iti Fatu Fatu Île de l'Ouest Îlot Temotu Nui Fenuaino
FR0010613471 - Suez Environ.Co RETOUR AFFECTIF RAPIDE ET EFFICACE AVEC SATISFACTION TOTAL DE SON MARI/FEMME EN 24 HEURES,48 HEURES,72 HEURES. Medium marabout africain sérieux BABA DAGBENON SEÏDOU pour récupérer son ex rapidement : 229 55 37 43 67. Vous ne faites que penser à votre ex-partenaire amoureux, vous souffrez de cette rupture que vous avez encore du mal à comprendre, vous avez envie que votre partenaire amoureux vous revienne et rapidement. Vous vivez une situation amoureuse, de chance ou de prospérité et richesse en blocage depuis un certain temps. Vous voulez mettre fin à tout cela une fois de bon Le Grand Maître Marabout compétent BABA DAGBENON SEÏDOU se met à votre entière disposition à travers ses rituels. Le Grand Maitre Marabout compétent BABA DAGBENON SEÏDOU se met à votre entière disposition à travers ses rituels de Retour d'Affection Rapide pour vous permettre de faire revenir votre ex-partenaire amoureux dans votre vie sentimentale, activé et augmenter votre chance, ouvrir votre prospérité, vous faire quitter le chômage grâce à une aide spirituelle puissante,, rituel d'envoûtement et DESENVOUTEMENT , retour affectif rituel canadien, retour affectif sérieux, retour affectif sérieux et efficace, retour affectif sérieux et qui fonctionne, retour affectif sérieux sur paris retour affectif Lille, retour affectif simple retour affectif sorcellerie, retour affectif sur photo, retour affectif en Belgique, récupérer son homme en 24 heures, retour affectif Toulouse retour affectif très puissant, retour affectif très très rapide retour affectif urgent sur Marseille, retour affectif vaudou, retour affectif immédiat en 48 heures, retour affection avec cadenas, retour affection 7jours, , retour affection puissant, retour affectif immédiat, voyance sérieuse, marabout du charme, envoûtement d'amour, envoûtement amoureux, meilleur marabout, impuissance sexuelle, faiblesse sexuelle, rituel de retour d'affection, rituel d'amour, rituel d'argent, richesse immédiate, pacte d'argent, pacte sérieux, portefeuille magique, valise mystique, coffre fort d'argent, comment grossir son pénis. PROBLÈME DE STÉRILITÉ OU IMPUISSANCE Il vous aide à résoudre vos problèmes dans tous les domaines. Il est un marabout reconnu en France, en Suisse, en Martinique, en Réunion, au Canada, en Belgique et dans beaucoup d'autres pays. Le maitre marabout BABA DAGBENON SEÏDOU est celui qu'il vous faut pour rétablir votre situation . Merci de lui confier la tâche et vous n'en serez pas déçu car il réussit toujours là où les autres ont échoué grâce à ses multiples dons et puissances dans les arts occultes et divinatoires. Il est un grand praticien des travaux comme: magie blanche d'amour, magie rouge d'envoûtement, marabout magie noire, magie noire, magie rouge, magie blanche, voyance gratuite et bien d'autres. Téléphone Direct: 229 55 37 43 67 WhatsApp/ Viber : 229 55 37 43 67 EMAIL: SITE WEB:
FR0010613471 - Suez Environ.Co RITUEL DU RETOUR AFFECTIF RAPIDE DU MEILLEUR MARABOUT LOKO VOGNON BOSSA / DES SORTS D'AMOUR ET RITUELS D'AMOUR POUR AMÉLIORER VOTRE COUPLE AVEC LE MAÎTRE LOKO VOGNON BOSSA / SAVON DE CHANCE A HAUTE / Rituel de chance et retour affectif de l'être aimé(e) / Chance dans vos affaires et entreprises / Rituel de bonheur - Retour affectif rapide en 48H